My school has several parts to it, all built at different times. The old part, the Mansion(it used to actually be a mansion along Delaware Ave.) was built in the mid to late 1800's. In the 1920's a large Auditorium was built behind the mansion for plays and other performances many of the citizens of the city would attend. The school was founded in 1872, but did not move to the site on Delaware Ave. until the 1940's. When they moved to Delaware Ave. they built a new classroom wing off of the old Mansion. It was finished in 1948. In the 50's off of the Mansion and Aud they built "Fraunhiem Hall", what was then a residence for the Jesuit teachers. As time progressed it became a classroom wing/school offices building. Then, last year, they demolished Fraunhiem to begin construction of a new Field House, in order to remove sports from the Auditorium so it could be restored to its original purpose:theater. We are also building a new classroom wing extending off the older one. So yea you could say my school has a colorful and varied past.