TWC Today Forums
Other => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anistorm on January 06, 2010, 01:35:14 AM
Hey! Hope you have an awesome birthday! Thanks for being an awesome friend to me! :biggrin:
Have an awesome one!!!! :D
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day. B)
Happy birthday Molly! Thanks for all your help with LF music. :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Victor :)
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Molly! Hope it's a great one. B)
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your YouTube contributions!
happy Bday buddy! Enjoy your day.
Happy birthday, Vic. B)
Happy Birthday! :dance: It's been fun talking to ya over the years :wave:
Happy Birthday Buddy! :)
Happy Birthday Vic, I hope you had a great day.
And, you're a very great friend!!!
*Sorry for the late birthday wish*
Sorry for the really late wish, but I hope you had a great birthday Victor/Molly!!! :D You are really great. :thumbsup:
Thanks all! I am EXTREMELY late and I apologize but due to personal issues and my lack of interest in TWC I haven't been on much.
Thanks all! I am EXTREMELY late and I apologize but due to personal issues and my lack of interest in TWC I haven't been on much.
Victor!!!!!! Nice to see ya buddy!!!!!!!!
/me gives a hug
Thanks all! I am EXTREMELY late and I apologize but due to personal issues and my lack of interest in TWC I haven't been on much.
It's OK...welcome back Molly!!! :wave: We're extremely happy to see you again. :D :dance: :biggrin:
aww thanks Andy and same here missed ya all.
Missed ya too
Thanks all! I am EXTREMELY late and I apologize but due to personal issues and my lack of interest in TWC I haven't been on much.
Very sorry for the late one, same here. School is tougher than you think, and it hasn't given me time to be on TWCT. However, I watch TWC like 3-4x a week.
Sorry for the delay but happy birthday Victor! :)))