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Other => General Discussion => Topic started by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 03:53:20 PM

Post by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 03:53:20 PM
I have a detention tomorrow  after-school because i was helping my friend out with English homework and my teacher wrongly accused me of cheating.  :rolleyes: How do i cheat homework? So, i was a bit embarrassed and upset. This is also my first detention of the year! Well, i hope tomorrow goes well.

Have YOU ever gotten a detention before? Come on, you know your bad side! :D
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on April 24, 2008, 03:57:15 PM
Never even gotten a warning since at least elementary school...

I still think that's rediculous, though. There is absolutely no problem with helping another student. As long as you don't just show the answers to your paper to them, you shouldn't get in trouble.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: beanboy89 on April 24, 2008, 03:59:02 PM
Have YOU ever gotten a detention before?
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 04:00:58 PM

Virtually everyone I know at least gotten a detention once :o
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: lfmusiclover on April 24, 2008, 04:37:39 PM
Not I. :no:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: texasstooge on April 24, 2008, 05:23:21 PM
Not since Middle School.

Though I had to take a kid I've been babysitting to school early in the morning so he could serve his detention.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: wxmediafan on April 24, 2008, 05:28:35 PM
I know back in 6th grade I got in trouble for pushing a kid down.  I got like 3 or 4 in middle school for chewing gum, and being tardy.  Just 1 in high school, for being tardy (which i didnt deserve it..but that dumb :censored: made me )
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: TheRolyPoly on April 24, 2008, 05:36:36 PM
Never Had Detention When I Was From Middle - High School
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Gil on April 24, 2008, 05:45:09 PM
I got a detention a few weeks ago. Funny story, not sure if anyone's interest or not.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 05:51:25 PM
I got a detention a few weeks ago. Funny story, not sure if anyone's interest or not.
Tell us! :happy:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Gil on April 24, 2008, 05:56:00 PM
I got a detention a few weeks ago. Funny story, not sure if anyone's interest or not.
Tell us! :happy:
Long story actually,

So i was making up a test that i had missed during Lunch, and this kid, who is a total brat, came up to me and proceeded to drink my Coke. I'm always willing to share, but he crossed the line. So as he sat at the table next to me, I stood up, took my Coke, which I had taken no more than 2 sips from, walked over to him, and poured the entire can of Coke on his head. I would say it was well worth the detention to teach the brat a lesson. NO ONE take MY Coke...
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 05:58:40 PM
LOL! :rofl:

Well I learned my lesson, to NEVER help anyone with their schoolwork again. :)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Tyler on April 24, 2008, 06:02:51 PM
I got a detention a few weeks ago. Funny story, not sure if anyone's interest or not.
Tell us! :happy:
Long story actually,

So i was making up a test that i had missed during Lunch, and this kid, who is a total brat, came up to me and proceeded to drink my Coke. I'm always willing to share, but he crossed the line. So as he sat at the table next to me, I stood up, took my Coke, which I had taken no more than 2 sips from, walked over to him, and poured the entire can of Coke on his head. I would say it was well worth the detention to teach the brat a lesson. NO ONE take MY Coke...

Sorry, I just don't buy that.

Oh, and did the kid respond back? Because if someone poured something on me at school... I'd likely beat their head into the ground. No joke.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Gil on April 24, 2008, 06:05:14 PM
I got a detention a few weeks ago. Funny story, not sure if anyone's interest or not.
Tell us! :happy:
Long story actually,

So i was making up a test that i had missed during Lunch, and this kid, who is a total brat, came up to me and proceeded to drink my Coke. I'm always willing to share, but he crossed the line. So as he sat at the table next to me, I stood up, took my Coke, which I had taken no more than 2 sips from, walked over to him, and poured the entire can of Coke on his head. I would say it was well worth the detention to teach the brat a lesson. NO ONE take MY Coke...

Sorry, I just don't buy that.

Oh, and did the kid respond back? Because if someone poured something on me at school... I'd likely beat their head into the ground. No joke.
Sorry, just trying to keep a long story short. But no, cause a teacher caught me before he could.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 24, 2008, 06:57:08 PM
I now added a poll. Plz vote B)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Gil on April 24, 2008, 09:06:47 PM
Not I. :no:
I'm shocked! :lol:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: lfmusiclover on April 24, 2008, 09:25:09 PM
Not I. :no:
I'm shocked! :lol:

Yeah, amazingly enough I've always been intelligent enough to avoid that sort of thing.  :sunglasses:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on April 24, 2008, 09:26:30 PM
Yeah, amazingly enough I've always been intelligent enough to avoid that sort of thing.  B)
Yeah, same here. The last time I can recall having any kind of discipline was back in first grade (1998-99).
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Concentric Eyewall on April 24, 2008, 11:18:49 PM
I have  :blushing:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: beanboy89 on April 24, 2008, 11:23:50 PM
I have  :blushing:
Wow, you're such a bad boy, Dan. :devil:

Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Alejandro on April 24, 2008, 11:33:34 PM
i never had DT before
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Concentric Eyewall on April 24, 2008, 11:35:23 PM
Actually, I've been called dirty ( before  :lol:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: lfmusiclover on April 25, 2008, 12:29:34 AM
Actually, I've been called dirty ([url][/url]) before  :lol:

Yeah you gotta watch Tyler. He likes that kinda talk.  :rofl2: :rofl2: :P
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Gil on April 25, 2008, 07:30:49 AM
Actually, I've been called dirty ([url][/url]) before  :lol:

That was great! :rofl2: But if I had said that, I would've been banned. Probably cause everyone is out to get me. :D
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: lfmusiclover on April 25, 2008, 08:18:15 AM
Trust me Gil, if that were the case you wouldn't be here right now. Problem is, as far as your concerned you've never misbehaved in however many years you've been a part of the TWC fan community. And quite frankly, its that conceit and egotism that drives us to dislike you.

WARNING: DO NOT reply to this post Gil.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: LFMusicFan on April 25, 2008, 10:40:25 AM
I've never gotten detention before. :no:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 25, 2008, 03:48:16 PM
Got back from detention :)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Thecoolwriter on July 14, 2008, 06:50:44 PM
I haven't got one since elementary
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Evan2015 on July 15, 2008, 08:48:06 PM
No since I was in elementary school, but Will Likely get it this year
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: TheRolyPoly on July 15, 2008, 08:54:35 PM
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: LFMusicRocks on July 16, 2008, 12:43:55 AM
Have I gotten detention before?

Yeah, this year, quite a few times, because this guy always pushes me around all the time during lunch and break and punches me and like curses at me too much. I had to punch him back and chase that guy out. There's another guy who kept on insulting about my parents, so I insulted him back and punched him so hard, that I chased him once he kept on doing that. So yeah, the principal and teacher caught us, and I had a 30 minute detention after school, and those guys got suspended once we were caught.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Tyler on July 16, 2008, 12:59:02 AM
So you got a detention for punching a kid???? That's TOTALLY unacceptable, and shows how :censored: up some public school systems are.

In my neck of the woods, so much as even mentioning a fight lands you in front of the local magistrate. Actually initiating or participating in a fight will not only land you an automatic 10 day out-of-school suspension, but you will be taken out of the school in handcuffs, and presented with disorderly conduct charges, which usually amounts where around $300 (or more,  depending on your number of offenses). If you're repeatedly involved in fights, you will eventually find yourself at Allegheny County's Shuman Juvenile Detention Center.

More schools need to run a discipline policy like the schools around here. ;)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: kpetree10 on July 16, 2008, 04:54:50 AM
I have had two detentions in my time, the first was in 6th grade for the dumbest reason EVER, our teachers gave us a sheet every monday with the homework that we had not turned in written on it and we had to get it signed by our parents by Wednesday... well I didn't get it signed until Thursday, guess what DETENTION.... that was bull  :censored:

2nd time was when I was a Junior in HS I got a detention for being late three times to school and EVERY TIME I was less than 30 seconds late, again bull  :censored:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: LFMusicFan on July 16, 2008, 10:45:57 AM
2nd time was when I was a Junior in HS I got a detention for being late three times to school and EVERY TIME I was less than 30 seconds late, again bull  :censored:
I had a similar problem in middle school. But I never got detention because of it. I sweet-talked my way out of it. :P
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: LFMusicRocks on July 16, 2008, 08:48:59 PM
So you got a detention for punching a kid???? That's TOTALLY unacceptable, and shows how :censored: up some public school systems are.

In my neck of the woods, so much as even mentioning a fight lands you in front of the local magistrate. Actually initiating or participating in a fight will not only land you an automatic 10 day out-of-school suspension, but you will be taken out of the school in handcuffs, and presented with disorderly conduct charges, which usually amounts where around $300 (or more,  depending on your number of offenses). If you're repeatedly involved in fights, you will eventually find yourself at Allegheny County's Shuman Juvenile Detention Center.

More schools need to run a discipline policy like the schools around here. ;)
2nd time was when I was a Junior in HS I got a detention for being late three times to school and EVERY TIME I was less than 30 seconds late, again bull  :censored:
I had a similar problem in middle school. But I never got detention because of it. I sweet-talked my way out of it. :P

Tyler, the guy punched me first, then I punched him back once I started getting angry at him for punching me. Then I punched him back.

Wow, Derek, you sweet talked your way. I guess your lucky not to get detention :)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Zach on July 18, 2008, 10:12:11 AM
 :yes: I only recieved 3 detentions or ISSs in Elementary school because I used to be a really bad boy (like how I started out on Taiganet). :yes:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: lfmusiclover on July 18, 2008, 10:25:22 AM
:yes: I only recieved 3 detentions or ISSs in Elementary school because I used to be a really bad boy (like how I started out on Taiganet). :yes:

you haven't changed least from what I've seen. And your on the same track here as well.  :unsure:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on July 18, 2008, 10:27:29 AM
I had an in-school suspension once in 3rd grade for fighting with another kid.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Evan2015 on July 19, 2008, 05:11:16 PM
I'm usually Good but sometimes when I get angry...

I forgot that this year the lunch monitor thoght I punched this other guy ( I didn't) and got sent to the time-out lunch table
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on July 19, 2008, 05:15:33 PM
Lunch monittors are mean. i had one who gave detention to my friend because he was yelling when it was in fact another kid sitting next to him
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Evan2015 on July 19, 2008, 05:18:07 PM
Lunch monittors are mean. i had one who gave detention to my friend because he was yelling when it was in fact another kid sitting next to him
yes lunch monitors are mean (when their Lunch Monitors)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on July 24, 2008, 09:46:35 PM
2nd time was when I was a Junior in HS I got a detention for being late three times to school and EVERY TIME I was less than 30 seconds late, again bull  :censored:
I had a similar problem in middle school. But I never got detention because of it. I sweet-talked my way out of it. :P
That's a dumb thing to do. You can get suspended for doing that in my school :no:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: toxictwister00 on July 24, 2008, 10:07:29 PM
I had detention before. I wasn't having a good day and I snapped at the teacher. The strange thing is when I showed up he had left school already, he never said anything else about it after.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Spring Rubber on July 25, 2008, 04:31:27 AM
I did for being late in freshman and sophomore years for HS. I cleaned up my act after that. :P
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: ilovemikebettes on July 25, 2008, 10:04:15 AM
I have for missing homework and tardies.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: 4000 weatherman on July 25, 2008, 10:16:30 AM
Lunch monittors are mean.

Yeah, our lunch monitors wanted a moment of silence durring a conversation, I whispered to continue the conversation and she came and I was moved to a desk without anyone, and without my food.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: ilovemikebettes on October 16, 2008, 04:18:21 PM
You wanna know WHY I'm bumping this old thread? I got an after school detention today for tardies and have to serve it on October 23rd. I never had an after school detention before,so to me this is  :faint:, :cry3:, <_<, :wacko: :cry:, :rolleyes:, :(, :hmm:. I and I am normaly a good kid,but my innocince was broken today (Even though I have served detention before,it was only during school detentions.) because of an asd.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on October 16, 2008, 04:20:19 PM
Believe it or not, I've never been late (without a late pass) to class for as long as I can remember.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: ilovemikebettes on October 16, 2008, 05:06:15 PM
Wow,ok. That's pretty nice.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on October 16, 2008, 05:06:50 PM
I haven't gotten a detention so far this year.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: ilovemikebettes on October 16, 2008, 06:10:25 PM
Well that's pretty good.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: wxntrafficfan on March 20, 2010, 09:33:29 AM
Just thought I'd bump this old thread :P

I can only remember one detention in Elementary School, and I think one in Middle School. Can't remember what either one was for... but I was having some issues with a resource teacher in 8th grade. Nothing has happened since, and I too have cleaned up my act. Haslett is pretty mixed when it comes to discipline... strict in some areas yet careless in others. I think our system is fine as it is. I nearly got into a fight with a freshman, but it was really a joke and he's a lot nicer than I thought he was. Sounds like even that would have landed me (and possibly him) in trouble in Tyler's system  :fear:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: TWCToday on March 21, 2010, 02:23:37 PM
Just thought I'd bump this old thread :P

I can only remember one detention in Elementary School, and I think one in Middle School. Can't remember what either one was for... but I was having some issues with a resource teacher in 8th grade. Nothing has happened since, and I too have cleaned up my act. Haslett is pretty mixed when it comes to discipline... strict in some areas yet careless in others. I think our system is fine as it is. I nearly got into a fight with a freshman, but it was really a joke and he's a lot nicer than I thought he was. Sounds like even that would have landed me (and possibly him) in trouble in Tyler's system  :fear:
Good thing you didn't get into a fight. Some school systems like mine have zero tolerance policies for things like that
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: wxntrafficfan on March 21, 2010, 02:25:04 PM
Just thought I'd bump this old thread :P

I can only remember one detention in Elementary School, and I think one in Middle School. Can't remember what either one was for... but I was having some issues with a resource teacher in 8th grade. Nothing has happened since, and I too have cleaned up my act. Haslett is pretty mixed when it comes to discipline... strict in some areas yet careless in others. I think our system is fine as it is. I nearly got into a fight with a freshman, but it was really a joke and he's a lot nicer than I thought he was. Sounds like even that would have landed me (and possibly him) in trouble in Tyler's system  :fear:
Good thing you didn't get into a fight. Some school systems like mine have zero tolerance policies for things like that
Well, it depends on what the administration finds out. They can't know every rumor that's going about, and so long as no actual fight occurs in their sight or on school grounds, nothing will happen.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: TWCToday on March 21, 2010, 02:30:15 PM
Just thought I'd bump this old thread :P

I can only remember one detention in Elementary School, and I think one in Middle School. Can't remember what either one was for... but I was having some issues with a resource teacher in 8th grade. Nothing has happened since, and I too have cleaned up my act. Haslett is pretty mixed when it comes to discipline... strict in some areas yet careless in others. I think our system is fine as it is. I nearly got into a fight with a freshman, but it was really a joke and he's a lot nicer than I thought he was. Sounds like even that would have landed me (and possibly him) in trouble in Tyler's system  :fear:
Good thing you didn't get into a fight. Some school systems like mine have zero tolerance policies for things like that
Well, it depends on what the administration finds out. They can't know every rumor that's going about, and so long as no actual fight occurs in their sight or on school grounds, nothing will happen.
True. Just glad you didn't get into a fight :)

Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Anistorm on March 21, 2010, 02:30:48 PM
Junior year was the year for detention. I always came late to class.  :lol:

But somehow, Brawley High is so lenient when it comes to detention. they let you sit wherever you want or with your friends as long as you don't get up and move around for one or two hours (depending on how many hours you've been given).

That's basically the only time I have detention, the past years and senior year I was a good kitty. *
*...yeah right.  :bleh:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on March 21, 2010, 03:03:23 PM
Still haven't gotten detention yet :P But I've gone close to that when my friend and I wander around the school after school talking to people, which isn't allowed although isn't always enforced.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Lightning86 on March 31, 2010, 07:19:42 PM
Three times: 1st grade, 6th grade, and 8th grade(wrongly acussed  <_<)
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Evan2015 on April 03, 2010, 09:16:34 PM
Our school is really strict about D-Halls, If you are like 30 seconds late to a class you get one, and if you say a teacher let you out late (and you are the only one with that excuse or others from the same class are there) you get one.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: curtjr4 on April 03, 2010, 10:14:41 PM
Just thought I'd bump this old thread :P

I can only remember one detention in Elementary School, and I think one in Middle School. Can't remember what either one was for... but I was having some issues with a resource teacher in 8th grade. Nothing has happened since, and I too have cleaned up my act. Haslett is pretty mixed when it comes to discipline... strict in some areas yet careless in others. I think our system is fine as it is. I nearly got into a fight with a freshman, but it was really a joke and he's a lot nicer than I thought he was. Sounds like even that would have landed me (and possibly him) in trouble in Tyler's system  :fear:
Good thing you didn't get into a fight. Some school systems like mine have zero tolerance policies for things like that
Well, it depends on what the administration finds out. They can't know every rumor that's going about, and so long as no actual fight occurs in their sight or on school grounds, nothing will happen.
Or so you think lol. I hate it how our school has security cameras... everywhere >.< I mean, it's a good thing but often times just annoying.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: wxntrafficfan on April 03, 2010, 10:28:49 PM
That's a bit excessive. My school does have a couple cameras, but none of them are operational.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: jtmal0723 on April 03, 2010, 10:36:11 PM
That's a bit excessive. My school does have a couple cameras, but none of them are operational.
that you know of... remember they could SAY that they're inoperable, but they might work.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: wxntrafficfan on April 03, 2010, 10:40:17 PM
That's a bit excessive. My school does have a couple cameras, but none of them are operational.
that you know of... remember they could SAY that they're inoperable, but they might work.
No, we all know they're not. The school has no way of monitoring them.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Anistorm on April 03, 2010, 10:45:16 PM
That's a bit excessive. My school does have a couple cameras, but none of them are operational.
that you know of... remember they could SAY that they're inoperable, but they might work.

I remember in middle school they had cameras all over the school. even in bathrooms  :blink:
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on April 03, 2010, 10:48:08 PM
That's a bit excessive. My school does have a couple cameras, but none of them are operational.
Not a good idea when a crime happens to occur. My school has cameras in the hallways, cafeterias, auditoriums, gymnasiums, and media centers, but none in the classrooms.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: LFMusicFan on April 08, 2010, 07:24:51 PM
IDK about detention, but I've nearly gotten sent to the principal several times for going to my car (which is parked in an area considered OFF campus). Now this is only forbidden during the FIRST break. During lunch, you're allowed to leave campus. I think it's ridiculous! The lockers are easy to break into, and I refuse to park in the school parking lot where my car will get dinged up and where I have to wait for an eternity to get out!
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Localonthe8s on April 08, 2010, 10:35:28 PM
Hmm how do they kno u park off campus? We have a parking lot for the nearby apartment complex near my school and many students park thEre instead of the school lot without being in any trouble.
Title: Re: DETENTION!!!
Post by: Mike M on April 08, 2010, 10:41:40 PM
People here used to park in the nearby subdivisions instead of my school's parking lot, but those subdivisions are now parking by permit only. Now there's just a parking lot for seniors, and parking along the side of the main road where the school is located for everyone else. I almost always stay after school nowadays so I don't have to suffer from being stuck in traffic.