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Author Topic: Assorted Weather Poems  (Read 1233 times)

Offline Eric

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Assorted Weather Poems
« on: September 02, 2011, 12:27:27 AM »

What shapes do I see in the clouds,
Forming amongst these airborne shrouds?
Covering the sky, floating past
Each one more unique than the last

Nature's rich imagination:
An expression of elation
Creativity unsurpassed
The sky: a canvas deep and vast

As if molding a lump of clay,
Nature takes some time out to play
The wind sets the clouds into place
As thick as stone, as light as lace

29 June 2008
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 07:26:41 PM by Martin »

Offline Eric

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A poem about the sunrise
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2011, 12:28:24 AM »
Watching the sun rise

Sitting in my room, watching the sun rise
While up above a lone bird flies
And the sky slowly changes its color
A cloud drifts behind another
The dawning of a new day commences
Eschewing any pretenses
I am simply a passive spectator
Not a giver, but a taker
The stars, candles of the night, disappear
How they once seemed to be so near
The purple of the sky gives way to blue
The grass sprinkles under its dew
Before me is a metamorphosis
Of a world that seems so boundless
Nature performs in all of its splendour
With a presence warm and tender
Magical changes happen with such ease
And the wind whispers a fresh breeze
The dark shadows move about on the ground
By a cloud the sun has been crowned
The horizon starts to glow a bright red
Another day has just ended
The lantern of the day sinks out of view
The sky takes on a darker hue
All the nighttime candles are lit once more
And the Milky Way starts to pour
Sitting in my room, watching the sun set
Once again, I'm in nature's debt

5 June 2008

Offline Eric

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A poem about raindrops
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 12:29:19 AM »
* * *

I listen to the raindrops
And the whispers through the trees
I feel the joy of sunshine
And the darkness speaks to me

The starshine sends its greetings
As the clouds go floating by
I'm glad to hear the thunder
And the singing of a stream

The birds, they sing a chorus
The air so bright and fragrant
Living in a care-free world
And I've just been invited

What is it that you're saying?
And what am I meant to know?
Please teach me how to listen
And show me where I should go

15 May 2007