Alright, I guess me and Martin will have to enjoy the drinks!

I don't drink for real though. Can't stand the taste of that garbage. Makes me wanna puke. I last tried it 10 years or more ago when my father offered me a sip of his beer, and never had the desire to try alcohol again.
Another thing that might have something to do with my refusal to drink is that there was a time about 10 years ago when I met a real sweet girl. We got pretty close, to the point where we were basically boyfriend and girlfriend. We were talking one evening and she told me how she hated her father because he drank. Frankly, I didn't like my father's drinking either, and i told her that. We made a promise to each other that night that we'd never drink. At last check, she does drink now. But I've kept my promise to her.
So yeah, between those two factors I have like 0 desire to drink.