-Show more indie music
-Less repeats, more new LF music!
-Stop playing Chris Geith music for awhile... it's getting way too old.
-Release more smooth jazz CDs and do away with that TWC Music Store
-Extend the daytime music another hour or two into the evening... it's way too short.
-Limit the long-form more
-Fire Sam, Todd, Eric, Al, and Stephanie (they are all terrible)
-Bring back Dennis, Dave, Rich, Alexandra, and Kristina! (Yeah let's do that my friend!)
-Pull TWC out of NBC and give it to someone else!
-Replace the crappy IS icons with the more realistic ones from '06
-Not putting so much emphasis on Jim, Steph, Jen, and Adam.
-Cancel Cantore Stories and WeatherProof, and bring back Atmospheres and the Weather Classroom
-Show more documentaries than reality shows
-Move Weather Center to daytime, bring back the double E
-Lose the iPads! We all know how awesome they are (NOT!)
-Get rid of that "Digital Media Center" (I'm gonna laugh at whoever came up with that crappy idea)
-Not using RED MODE GRAPHICS 99% of the time.
-Bring back Storm Alert and use it only when absolutely necessary.
-Use more positions at the HD Studio instead of sticking with only two.
-Bring back that pretty sunset background in the studio
I'll stop now...