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Author Topic: Viz Weather Discontinued and possible effects for The Weather Channel.  (Read 6607 times)

Offline weatherfan_2013

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I found this interesting. As of June 20, 2018, VizRT has discontinued it's Viz Weather software.

Now they will continue product support until June 20, 2020, this means that the Viz Weather application will no longer receive critical updates or support after that date. As for The Weather Channel, this could be a major blow to their HD and SD DBS Forecast (National Local on the 8s) and possibly their Intellistar 2 and 2jr systems. This means they will be forced to use their MAX ecosystem or Viz Multi Channel for the National Local Forecast systems. We do know the Intellistar 2 uses the Viz Render Engine, so it may be as simple as sending new radar data from the Max system for it's radar segments, but for the HD and SD DBS, they will be forced to build a new platform and possible redesigns.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:21:32 PM by weatherfan_2013 »