I am trying really hard to find most of TWC's production tracks. I think I found pretty much all from VideoHelper. I contacted them about the unknown storm music everyone's been wanting to be identified but said that wasn't part of their library. Now I need to know if anyone here knows about any other production library they could've used during the 2008 relaunch. Any help would be greatly appreciated

All tracks found from VideoHelper
Alertech II VH037
Because We Say So VH033
Breaking News VH025
Datastreams VH029
Deepening Story VH025
Encyclopedic Torrent VH033
Full Velocity VH038 (Weather Caught On Camera Promo)
Heralds of Conflict VH025
Holy Roller VH027 (TWC Road Crew 2006)
Im On to You VH037
Methodical Progress VH037
Newsified VH029 (TWC Notify 2010 Promo)
Now Thats Funny VH039 (WUWA and YWT 2010-11 Promo)
Unstoppable Force VH025
Audioflux VH20.5
News Drama VH003 (2007-2008 Station Id)
Good Morning Dammit VH033 (Weekend Now)
Eventful VH025