I don't see how people are saying "I hear Storm Alert music", when we don't even know what they use for storm alert music, beause they havn't gone into storm alert yet... 
Exactly my thinking, Kyle.
I also think that Storm Alert probably won't start until Sunday morning at 7 AM ET since it usually doesn't start until the system is less than 36 hours out, and 7 AM ET seems to be the precedent for when Storm Alert starts. Now I have to debate whether to stay up for it or not... >_<
Maybe I'll just sleep in like three hour increments and wake up in time for each show's timeslot to start.

As a final thought, even though they're not in Storm Alert, will TWC find the means to go live overnight like they should, or will they leave us in the dark again? If they do go live overnight, they would certainly need the help of the weekday folks to do that.