You know what, I have a feeling that the in-house STARs might actually be displayed not only in that room, but also on the monitors next to the Global Forecast Center. Back when the Plasma screen used to be by the GFC, they went to that shot right after an LF, and I could've sworn I saw a 4000 running on one of the monitors. That would also explain monitors lag behind the others; perhaps the feed is delayed by a few seconds on certain STARs?
I'm trying to remember where that is, I think its in Production Engineering, which is kinda in the middle of two control rooms.
The in-house STARs are displayed in all control rooms along a lower smaller display screens, as well in Master and in all offices that have TV sets.
XL's have the biggest delay when it comes to putting out the final product due to the amount of processing that is done before the video is produced. This is why the audio has to be fed in to the unit as well, otherwise by passing the audio would show a huge delay between the video and audio.
All units in there are hooked up just like any generic STAR, they still communicate with network control and pull video from master. I can't remember if they are hooked up to the satellite, or just tap in to the feed that is exiting the station for trasmission, ither way they cannot have a delay or lag per se because the commands that network control send out are time based and by the time the units kick in there, yours have at the exact same time.