Overall, I was impressed with TWC's coverage on Isaac. However, I did not like seeing commercial breaks every 5 minutes, got very annoying.
As for the reporting meteorologists, they did pretty well IMO. As for my commemts on Reynolds Wolf, I think he did okay, but I just don't see him being more than a Jorma Duran-type field reporter.
I notice he likes to walk a lot during the live shots, instead of just standing in one spot. However the way he talks and the words he uses, he would seem better on a national news station, like CNN where he came from.
Dr. Greg Postel: Not bad, but tends to stutter at times. I would cut him slack, he's just getting used to the hurricane expert position. Otherwise, he's very professional and informative.
Bryan Norcross: Okay; he seems very knowledgable and professional, despite being a bit dominate at times.