I still find it odd that TWC's new owner still isn't able to give its subscribers access to the IS2!! Does anyone want to take out bets as to how long it will take? 
It is also up to your cable company to actually request it. I doubt we see a widespread adoption of it unless they make it mandatory.
I hope they see this and make some positive changes. The good thing is that since they have primetime, they are only showing it when the weather isn't bad.
In which next week (Thursday in particular) would lead to another preemption of this disastrous move, in that case i don't see this gimmick lasting very long (a few months if lucky), Dish will jump on this again and maybe Cablevision/Time Warner which would make TWC have no other choice than to just can this gimmick and revert back to the old schedule.
I strongly doubt any threats from the cable/satellite companies will matter. We saw how that turned out. Dish threatened to drop TWC and made a big deal about going to a new channel but then simply decided not to. TWC promised a whole bunch of tantalizing options like WeatherScan for Dish but there hasn't been a single peep about that. I don't like seeing long form anymore than any of you but TWC is at least putting severe weather first. They have weather updates every 30/60min too. Clearly they made changes in the right direction.
I have to wonder how successful long form will be in primetime. I suspect it will be much higher than many of you think. If 400,000 people watch TWC for 10min to see the forecast as opposed to 200,000 watching for a full 60min, it seems as if TWC values the latter because it boosts their rating and increases ad views. In return that means more ad revenue. TWC is desperately try to get people to sit down and watch the Weather Channel for long periods of time. Nobody wants to do that and I hope they eventually get that notion out of their heads. We shall see.