Wow, I missed quite some action...

Just heard about this "balloon boy" story as I left Music class, and hearing that TWC was covering it, I was like WTF. They need to cover an upcoming nor'easter (or possibly DOUBLE) today and throughout this weekend and now I hear that Today's top story is OMG A BOY GOT STUCK INSIDE A BALLOON. uhh, where's the

weather in this story?
* Anistorm gets some more news.
Oh, he lied. BS!!!! O M FREAKIN G. This makes me even more mad. Covering a pointless story that has nothing to do with weather. This is even worse than WUWA IMO. This is what I have seen as the BIGGEST FAIL EVER. TWC, you fail as a weather news network. Nuff said.
* Anistorm ends her rant, then gets on her bus to go home.