The LDL still remains blank (during long-form and commercials) on the HD feed for those who don't have the IS2 and only the national forecast. I'm a bit perplexed as to why after almost a month this is still the case.
It's like Zach said, it's false advertising, not that I'm all that surprised. 
I don't think it's false advertising. The whole premise of The Weather Channel's local forecasts since the very beginning was for cable headends to use Stars. The system was designed before there even
was direct to home satellite television, and because of the technical limitations of satellite as opposed to cable, there's just no way to get localized information to satellite viewers unless each individual satellite receiver becomes capable of being an IntelliStar in miniature. (The best that the receivers can do right now doesn't even come close.)
only way longform programming could have a satellite feed LDL is to make the whole LDL non-transparent. SD viewers are stuck with that, but that's because of aspect ratios, and it actually makes good use of what would otherwise be empty space on the screen. But HD is where the television industry does and
should focus their attention, and I can fully understand why a non-transparent LDL on the screen during longform all the time isn't something that TWC wants.
A claim of false advertising would have to mean that The Weather Channel deliberately deceived viewers by promising weather all the time but failed to deliver on that
and knowing that they wouldn't be able to do so in the first place. Keeping in mind that The Weather Channel was designed for cable, and keeping in mind that satellite has different technical parameters that prevents the use of localization, TWC is keeping its promise. It's not up to them to redesign the whole way direct to home satellite television works, and it's not up to them to design satellite receivers with their own Stars. Localization does not work with satellite... unless TWC wants to broadcast a unique feed for every single Star location in the country. They'd need their own
fleet of satellites to do that.