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Author Topic: Future When Weather Changed History episodes  (Read 1308 times)

Offline Localonthe8s

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Future When Weather Changed History episodes
« on: September 16, 2008, 04:15:44 PM »
What kind of events do you think will be covered in future WWCH episodes?

I know of one, back in the 1500s during the Spanish Armada. The Spanish had a fleet of 130 ships while England had just less than half the size. The English won the battle however because there were winds around England known as "Protestant Winds" that prevented the Spanish ships from heading into England and turning around back in Spain. Consequently, the Spanish had to sail all around north of Holland, towards the open sea and  toward Ireland. They landed in Ireland, and the Irish killed and feasted on the Spanish crew. Therefore the English won the Spanish Armada war.

So my suggestion is that this event could be implemented in a future WWCH episode . Anyone have any other events they think that should go in a future WWCH episode?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 04:17:21 PM by SlingBox »