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Author Topic: Dan Chandler: 1938-2023  (Read 10975 times)

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Dan Chandler: 1938-2023
« on: March 10, 2023, 08:09:59 PM »
I do not know if this has already been mentioned elsewhere, but I've learned from Techknight on Twitter, as well as on Taiganet forums (were the WeatherStar 4000 Simulator is from), and on Discord, that legendary former TWC voice-over announcer, Dan Chandler (also known as Dan Huth) has passed away last month. He was 84. Prior to working as an announcer on The Weather Channel, he was also appeared on local Miami radio in the 1960s and even appeared on television shows like the Everglades! (1961-62) as well as on Flipper (1964-67) (a classic TV show that I used to enjoy when I was young back when it used to be re-runed on Nickelodeon in the early 1990s) where he played as "Warden Dennis". At first, I had no idea he was once on a couple of TV shows in the 1960s before he was an announcer on TWC, but I learned about it many years later here in the TWC fan community. He also once worked as a local morning show host on WSB-TV's Good Day Atlanta morning show in the early 1980s.

As we previously know, he also had appeared in a 1981 Chevrolet El Camino promotional dealership video as well as in a train documentary called Railroads of North America in 1994 while he was also on The Weather Channel. In addition to TWC, he also did narrations on various programs on the History Channel and HGTV as well. After when Taiganet first contacted him back in the spring of 2010, Dan Chandler was even nice enough to reach out a year later to do re-recordings of his own narration for the WeatherStar 4000 Simulator. The re-recorded narrations still sounded as beautiful as the originals from the original TWC broadcast and even to this very day, I still give Dan a lot of credit.

Without Dan Chandler, The Weather Channel would have never been iconic without a talented voice-over announcer with a beautiful voice like Dan's. My hearts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and everyone here in the TWC fan community.

I'll never forget this really nice thank you message that Dan shared back in 2012:
You know so well, when you and the team embarked on this project that there was nothing in it for you beyond the personal satisfaction of a demanding job meticulously and well-done.  To get "attaboys" is icing on the cake.

Thank you all for including me in your labor of love, and--[Bill Goodwill, simulator developer]--for sharing the incredible reactions. They go far beyond anything I could have expected.


Dan Chandler's profile on Radio Years
Dan Chandler's obituary (see Dan Huth)
Dan Chandler on The Weather Channel in 1988 on a rare on-camera appearence
Classic TWC, Weatherscan, legacy WeatherSTARs, and classic Prevue/TV Guide fan.

R.I.P. Weatherscan: 1999-2022