So, going with your first comment, I see a good reason to recode the emulator and use NTSC resolution so most monitors will be able to fit it on their screen. That will make it easier on me, and on the users of the emulator.
Your second comment brings up a good point. .NET forms aren't the best for rendering stuff quickly. If you look at most of my demos for the IS emu, you'll see the "The Week Ahead" slide fail to catch up to render the icons and text.
Your third comment is telling me to learn C#, which I am already fluent in. I will be recoding this emulator in C# with XNA to make rendering so much better, and make it easier for old computers to run.
Lastly, you asked me why I use Detroit as the city for my demos. My local IntelliSTAR uses Detroit as the city to get the forecast for. That is why I use it for my IntelliSTAR emulations.
tl;dr: I will most likely be recoding the emulator in C#, use NTSC res, use XNA(most likely, no guarantee), and I will take suggestions.