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Author Topic: Meteorologist PSAs  (Read 11140 times)

Offline Eric

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Meteorologist PSAs
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:28:29 AM »
Back in the day, it was a little difficult for TWC to attract so many advertisers (despite the localization that the WeatherStar could do in providing an address and phone number over a still image after the commercial, which was extremely common 20 years ago), so, to fill time, the on-camera metoerologists starred in their own "public service announcements."

What are your favorites, or, as the case may be, least favorites?

My favorites are...

1.) Marny Stanier explaining how a ceiling fan works.  This was guaranteed to be shown a million times a month, all throughout the year, for several years.  The only people I closely knew who had a ceiling fan back then were my grandparents, whom I visited each summer vacation.  So, the first opportunity I had, I climbed up on the guest room bed to flip the switch on the very top of the ceiling fan to watch it reverse direction, and then I waited to try to feel warmer instead of cooler air flowing.  :rofl2:

2.) Jeannetta Jones discussing the benefits of serving different kinds of cheese at a dinner party.  At about seven or eight years old, this was my first introduction to Monterrey Jack cheese, and I remember thinking how incredibly odd it was for a cheese to have that kind of "name."  :dunno:

3.) A male OCM (maybe Jim Cantore early in his career?) explaining how to properly dress for outdoor activities based on the weather.  In particular, I remember Jim (if it was Jim) explaining (yes, believe it or not, someone felt this had to be explained!) that white cotton socks absorb sweat better than any other, so that's what you should wear if you're going to be jogging on a hot day!  :rolleyes:

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Re: Meteorologist PSAs
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 01:31:23 PM »
I remember there was one with Kam Carman talking about disposable diapers, and one with Jeff Morrow... something about the benefits of trees. 

"Turn on your ceiling fan for year-round energy savings."  That's the one I remember most.
Matthew Sittel
Bellevue, NE

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Re: Meteorologist PSAs
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 03:26:55 PM »
To quote Jeanetta in that PSA, the cheese one is "hard to beat." Others I recall are Marc Mancuso getting ready for a superbowl party, Declan and Bonnie painting their house, Jim taking care of his lawn, and Bonnie talking about getting through the day with naps, exercise, a good breakfast, etc. I should create a page with the ones I have on TWCC.
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Re: Meteorologist PSAs
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 04:41:49 AM »
Jeanetta Jones with the cheese PSA.  Brie and Camembert cheese - I still need to give those a try with some crusty bread.   B)

Marshall Seese had one about emergency kits for the car during winter storms.  I could have used that in 1994 myself.

I remember Cam's diaper segment, and Marshall's caulking the windows, and Jeanetta's bathroom hints with Lysol.