Hello TWC Today Members!

If you haven't heard or seen, I am pleased to announce that I am the new owner and administrator of TWC Today. Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support. Gary was (and still is) an amazing admin! He isn't leaving completely so you will still see him around. Gary brought this site to life and grew it to the largest and most active TWC community to this date. I am grateful he choose me to take over.
I wanted to express a few things to make sure everyone knows whats going to happen to the site and forums.
First off there will be no changes at all to the admin positions. Over time I will evaluate and determine if changes need to be made. ALL current rules and policies in place are still in effect.
I know most of you here at the forum and happily call you all my friends! However please note I cant be Mr. Nice Guy all the time. There will be times when I need to step in or take action. I will not give special treatment to anyone. Please respect my wishes and do not request to be a moderator or admin. As mentioned before I will determine that.
Right now I have lots of ideas and possible plans for the site and forums. However for now things will stay exactly the same. I need time to get my feel for things. Please remember I do have a life outside the forums but I will do everything in my power to make sure I create enough time for this forum. In a worst case scenario I have several people willing to take control of the site should I need to step down.
As for TWC Classics, as far as I am concerned I have no problems with them at this time. Time will tell what happens with that statement.
That being said I cant wait to see what the future holds for us here at TWC Today! See you around the forums!