I think that this weekend I am going to begin adding some flare to the menu system, no not a literal flare like you see in the LDL effect, maybe pizazz is the right word for it... I will also be working mostly non stop on trying to GET THE MENU TO WORK IN INTERNET EXPLORER... This is my hope and my main focus... This will involve the following process on my part of coding to start to work on this....
1) remove all menu CSS in the style sheet
2) rewrite the bare standalone first glance stuff first with just "main" "music" "videos" etc....
3) start to work on the hovering effects
4) write the code for the popup styling
5) pray real hard that it works in Internet Explorer
6) tweak what needs to be tweaked
7) take screenshots of the design in progress (I lost my hosting so I have to work on it locally and can't upload it for users to test)
8) if all is good, and approval from the community is positive, I ship the files off to Gary and he gets them up as soon as he can.
I cannot give a time frame, because that would be too much pressure on my part, and that tends to lead me to rush, and rushing leads to catastrophes so... Yeah. The earliest I can get started on working on this is Sunday. I am 100% unavailable Saturday due to pre-existing plans (haven't hung out with my best friend in over 2 weeks, and we wanna catch up and stuff) and Friday is my family day so Sunday I'll get started since I'm most likely going to stay in (it's too darn cold out to do anything!
)... So I ask for all of your support when I'm working, and heck! I may upload "work in progress" shots (this will include double/triple/quadtruple/*uple posts sometimes but meh) and stuff so... yeah! Let's get this party goin'!
It's now 6:04am, I'm tired, unable to sleep, and I think my post is becoming a ramble above so I'm gonna try to go to sleep now! I wanted to let you all know what was up...
- Jesse