Classics - The Weather Channel from 1982-1999 > Programming

Favorite classic slogan

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Which of TWC's classic slogans is your favorite? To refresh your memory, the slogans were:

-You Need Us For Everything You Do
-Weather You Can Always Turn To
-No Place on Earth Has Better Weather
-Weather Fans, Your Not Alone

My favorite is Weather You Can Always Turn To. It's the first one I ever saw (started watching in 92), and there were alot of big weather events during that time period (like Andrew and the 93 Super Storm).

"Weather You Can Always Turn To" was my favorite as well.  There's a reason why that's still the longest-running slogan of TWC. ;)  By the way, you missed two from way back in the 80's that need to be added to your list of pre-2000 slogans:  "We Take The Weather Seriously, But Not Ourselves" and "Weatherproofing America".


--- Quote from: phw115wvwx on March 03, 2009, 01:25:02 PM ---"Weather You Can Always Turn To" was my favorite as well.  There's a reason why that's still the longest-running slogan of TWC. ;)  By the way, you missed two from way back in the 80's that need to be added to your list of pre-2000 slogans:  "We Take The Weather Seriously, But Not Ourselves" and "Weatherproofing America".

--- End quote ---

Right you are. Those were before even my time!  :D

From those mentioned Weather You Can Always Turn To was my favorite.  I know its not early enough to be in this category but Live By It is my personal fav from all time.

My all-time favorite is "You Need Us, For Everything You Do." I even love second version of the theme music.


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