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Messages - tropicalweather

Pages: [1] 2
OCMs & Personalities / Re: Really?
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:42:07 AM »
BTW, she was doing the update during Weather Center between 1-5pm...

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Really?
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:40:37 AM »
I do have a video recorded somewhere on what I think was Lisa Mozer's last day at TWC.  It was during the month of July in 2003 after Hurricane Claudette struck Texas.  I surely remember not seeing her after that day that I recorded her doing a Tropical Update.

I agree.  It does really affect the format of the show.  Although to be honest, I don't watch this show 99.9% of the time because of the schedule, but I'm sure those that watch it each morning will miss the old format.

I think all morning shows should have three anchors........Day Planner?

Everything Else TWC / Re: The Weather Channel | HD Discussion
« on: June 03, 2008, 09:21:36 AM »
There doesn't seem to be much consistency today with respect to the music used in Your Weather Today.  I'm sure they haven't settled in yet and are trying to tweak things...

Everything Else TWC / Re: The Weather Channel | HD Discussion
« on: June 02, 2008, 11:59:47 PM »
Bloopers left and right with maps and videos.  Tropical Update music played a few minutes ago with a black screen.  All bloopers now in HD!

To be fair though, I think they're doing better tonight than most other nights...

Unfortunately, with the new era of TWC in HD, I kind of doubt that is the kind of image they want to present (read big and mature)...

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Alexandra Steele
« on: June 02, 2008, 11:39:24 PM »
Didn't want to mention it, but... Noticed how on the first broadcast of Evening Edition in HD, Alexandra decided to wear a suit jacket?  It seemed to me she was trying to cover something.  Hmmm...

Everything Else TWC / Re: The Weather Channel | HD Discussion
« on: June 02, 2008, 11:28:43 PM »
Ew. Not feeling the DP music at all. Doesn't have the "morning" feel IMO. The graphics aren't the best, either.

Well, Rich and Sharon are now "doing that" in HD. :P
W00t!  :thrilled: We are indeed "doing that" in HD!

Man, I want to do it on-screen in HD!  :angry: :twothumbs: :P

Definitely "morningy" when compared to the Evening Edition music... :P

I think that Sharon does not yet feel ready for a presentation on the HD wall.  Who knows...

Everything Else TWC / Re: The Weather Channel | HD Discussion
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:50:13 PM »
I really don't look forward to the dramatic music for Evening Edition.  I prefer the previous package.  It just wouldn't make sense to have this kind of music on a benign weather day.  Leave that package for Storm Alert!  The graphics on another note are hand in hand with PM Edition and A&B.

Overall, I think the best package/music is PM Edition's...

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the sponsor music has been changed to the new Weather Center music.

BTW, the new PM Edition music is probably the best so far.  If this is a preview of what's next, the Evening Edition music will probably, once again, be a favorite.

It does seem after all that all shows music are fairly similar with this relaunch.

I'm thinking all their graphics personnel was not on duty until Your Weather Today began at 7 ET.

Aren't you on top of it, Spring Rubber? :rofl2:

I was about to post it right this minute!

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Kim Perez moving to Day Planner?
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:28:03 AM »
I'm going to miss Jennifer.  She's one of my favorite female OCMs.  Jeanetta Jones was also one of my favorites and she's gone.  It's sad OCMs with actual personalities are leaving TWC.

It looks like they are staying away from actual shots of people/situations for the show presentations.  The last time they had graphics only for openers was before the 2001-2003 package, back when it was just called Weather Center and Weather Scope.

It looks like they have NO intention of having a permanent LIVE bug from now on during studio segments.  I just noticed they showed a live shot of Los Angeles while the OCM was at the HD wall and the LIVE bug appeared for the shot and just as quickly it went away.

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