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Topics - tpirfan28

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
OCMs & Personalities / The "Where is Everyone Going" Thread
« on: February 20, 2009, 01:48:16 PM »
Since there has been some (confirmed?) talk of OCM moves, let's keep all the talk to one place.  Bopping through all the OCM threads is going to get confusing, fast.

Local Forecast / My old STAR 4000
« on: February 05, 2009, 02:28:18 PM »
I've finally gotten around to uploading all the clips of Purdue University's former STAR 4000 that I had.

16th and Mission - Glen McNulty (not a full local, but shows all screens): (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Over and Over - Brian Hughes (not a full local, only first 1:20): (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

4000 LDL w/old Hurricane Central: (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Unknown song (full local): (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

General Discussion / Favorite Super Bowl XLIII Commercials
« on: February 02, 2009, 10:16:28 AM »
I daydream about punching small animals. (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Programming and Graphics / Storm Stories
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:44:31 PM »
This morning, they aired a commercial for the triumphant return of Storm Stories, February 22 at 8.  It made absolutely no mention of Tornado Week, so maybe, just maybe, the return could be permanent!'d probably yield A&B at 7, SS at 8, WWCH at 9, EE at 10.

Local Forecast / Bernie Williams
« on: December 13, 2008, 11:51:43 AM »
ESPN just did a very good piece on Bernie Williams on SportsCenter, covering mostly his music career.

For fans of his music...his second album will be coming out in the spring!

General Discussion / Frank Batten donates money
« on: December 10, 2008, 02:29:46 PM »
Donates money to Culver Acadamies

Private prep school about 10 minutes from my house...and I've been there several times.   :yes:

Local Forecast / December 2008 List Starts
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:25:33 AM »
This could be a potential "best of"...I heard Chris Geith's "Restless Heart" from the TWC CD 2 at 8:19.

Local Forecast / "Fortysomething" by Network Music...
« on: November 23, 2008, 11:14:55 AM » being played in a Wal-Mart "Happy Thanksgiving" bumper in Wal-Mart stores this year!

Everything Else TWC / Interesting TWC/NBC Thing I Saw...
« on: November 17, 2008, 09:43:20 AM »
On MSNBC just now, they did a story on the California wildfires, with a special Weather Channel-identified lower thirds, complete with Weather Channel logo.  Also, the clearly former NBC Wx+ meteorologist was verbally *and also on the LDL* identified as a "Weather Channel meteorologist".

Local Forecast / Oct 08 List Starts
« on: October 01, 2008, 06:30:04 AM »
...with Chris Camozzi's My Dancing of my favorites!!!

General Discussion / The Economy/Wall Street
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:55:44 PM »
Gonna open one up on this topic since it's a biggie.

Frankly, this is the first time in 10+ years I've been watching the stock market I've truly been scared about what could happen.  The falls of Bear Stearns, Leahman Bros, the buyout of Merrill Lynch, and AIG's potential bankrupcy has be really worried about the financial state of the country.

Your thoughts?

Programming and Graphics / Official Ike Storm Alert Thread
« on: September 07, 2008, 03:17:45 PM »
Round three, and we start with Ike as a cat 4 nearing Cuba.  The Walker/Davis combo to play first.

Same rules apply as the other two threads.

(And yeah, this looks like a Storm Alert activator.  Twice maybe (the Keys/the Gulf).)

Edited to remove "hype" since this is da real deal.

General Discussion / My IStar Weather Displayer
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:32:40 PM »
(I figured this would be a good place for this, since it's a touch more than a emulator/fan art.)

After some excruciating moments, I am proud to show you all a very special and daunting task that I am working on.  With the help of Martin's great donation of the IStar files, I am happy to announce the start of an IntelliStar Weather Information Displayer.  This "program", simply an Adobe Flash file, reads local forecast data from the NWS RSS feed and displays it in the format of the current look of the IntelliStar.  Currently this program is simply the first slide, and only bits and pieces are completed.  I hope to make it more slides (Local Obs, Regional/Metro conditions), and if I can find forecast data, that too.  Maybe down the line I can add a customizable feature and release it.

This is NOT a PowerPoint, so no manual data entry is required!

VERY, VERY MUCHO GRANDE IMPORTANT: I will absolutely not take requests or accept PMs, IMs, e-mails, phone calls, text messages, or any communication wanting a custom copy.  I'll get to that soon enough.  I want it to work for me.  Failure to understand this means I will ignore you.

Ready to take a peek?  Are you sure?  Ready?  Here it is:

TWC Fan Art / Matt's Pics (tpirfan28)
« on: September 05, 2008, 08:01:57 PM »
The IStar's Hidden Potential....

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