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Topics - kpetree10

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Key Request
« on: December 05, 2010, 09:56:15 PM »
Hi Martin and/or Brian, I got a new computer. Could I please have my key reset?

ID: kpetree


Help and Support / New Key
« on: August 06, 2009, 09:23:39 AM »
Hi, can I have my key reset. I had to reload the computer that I had it installed on before and now I want to use it on my main PC so my old key doesn't work.

My CINE name is kpetree


Contributions / TWC Brought to you by.... in HD
« on: April 28, 2009, 11:00:43 PM »
Attached are the "TWC is brought to you by this cable provider..." bits in HD. Enjoy!

Help and Support / System Clock has been set back
« on: April 21, 2009, 10:44:18 PM »
So here's the deal, I'm running the emulator in VMWare Fusion and when I am finished with it it put the system into a suspended mode in VMWare and close it. What I think happened is that I ran the emulator, put VMWare in suspended mode, a day later, opened VMWare and started the emulator before my system had a chance to update the time. Now when I try to open the emulator it give me an error saying that I set the time back. The clock is right now but it still won't let me open it. What can I do?

General Discussion / What the font?
« on: April 15, 2009, 04:09:23 PM »
Does anyone know what font is used in the lower 3rds now?

Emulator Videos / kpetree10's Emulators
« on: April 01, 2009, 09:26:51 PM »
When I get bored I like to toy with Final Cut and I just started dieting so I need something to keep my mind off food so I made this. Tell me what you think.

TWC and your Cable Company / Buckeye Cable System
« on: October 08, 2008, 11:23:18 AM »
Everyone on this board seems to have their own gripe about Comcast cable. I thought I'd put in my experience with my cable provider Buckeye Cable.

First off my town is an oddity (Waterville, OH), we have TWO cable providers, Time Warner (formerly Adelphia) and Buckeye, originally we had Adelphia and they gave us a ton of crap so we switched to Buckeye in 2005.

We pay approximately $250/month, I know that sound like a lot but we have unlimited long distance phone service, 8mbps internet, and cable with 2 HD boxes, 1 HD DVR, and 2 digital boxes, with all the HD channels available and the Starz pack.

As far as the service goes, I can't be happier! At one point some channels would say that they would unavailable, I called on a Saturday night around 7PM and the service guy was at my house at 10AM Sunday, ran a new line to my house and had it fixed in about 20 minutes! In the three years that we've had them that has been the only service issue.

At the TWC standpoint, they have an Intellistar (I guess could be a bad or good thing) and TWC HD (months before the launch), no Weatherscan  :thumbdown: but with the purchase by NBC maybe, we already have the NBC WeatherPlus.

The big reason that I like them is because they are local, they only service northwest Ohio and parts of Southeast Michigan, but they have the capabilities of a large system, they have all the same features of Comcast or TimeWarner but the service is much better!

Thats my two cents... more like $2......

The Game Room / The Mac Quiz
« on: May 24, 2008, 10:16:15 PM »
I moved this over from the Jeopardy thread because I want to keep this going, I'll start keeping score too as of right now....
beanboy89 - 3
Victor - 2
Stephen - 1
4 News Weather Now - 1

From the last question... C was right 5GB

Who was the first call on the iPhone at the introduction
A Scott Forstall
B Phil Schiller
C Ron Johnson
D Jonathan Ive

Contributions / Weather Channel HD Pre-Launch Ads
« on: May 16, 2008, 02:48:51 AM »
I have setup a basic site where I am posting ads and local on the 8s spots from TWC HD. Right now I am hosting it on my home computer so the connection is REALLY slow but it works. I will be adding videos as I get them... feedback welcomed!

Pages: [1]