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Messages - toxictwister00

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Emulator Videos / Re: toxictwister00's Legacy STAR Emulations
« on: August 28, 2017, 11:41:53 PM »
This was created roughly 9 hours before Harvey made landfall in TX Friday night.

Song: "Anger Pays Off" (Videohelper) - You may recognize the music as it was used as the theme music for the 2010/2011 Tropical Update Opener. I always wished TWC would have used this as a Storm Alert theme.

! No longer available

Hurricane Central / The Ressurection of Harvey
« on: August 24, 2017, 08:14:35 AM »
Folks, we could be dealing with what could potentially be the worst flooding disaster to strike TX since TS Allison back 16 years ago in 2001. Harvey is expected to make landfall in TX by this weekend and possibly stall over the Lonestar State for several days.

Global/hurricane models are also suggesting Harvey could *potentially* become a significant, perhaps major (cat 3 or higher) hurricane as it approaches the TX coast this weekend which if it makes major status would make it the first to strike the US in 12 years (Wilma, October 2005).

If you live or know people living in Brownsville, Galveston, Corpus Christi, to Houston or even as far inland as San Antonio or Dallas, you need to take this storm seriously and prepare to take action for what could be historic flooding.

Images of Harvey Right Now (Hot linked, will update in real time)

General Discussion / Re: Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, 8/21
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:42:01 PM »
What a wonderful event this was to watch unfold this afternoon. This was my first solar eclipse experience, I read a Vox article not too long ago that showed a map of when the next Solar Eclipse events will occur over the remainder of the 21st century. It looks like my hometown of Atlanta will be in the path of totality in one of them......I only have to wait until May 11, 2078 to see it. I'll be 85 by then, it's a good thing I didn't miss this one just in case! :lol:

SOURCE (Vox): https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/8/21/16178956/when-is-next-total-solar-eclipse

TWC Fan Art / Re: Weatherlover's Artwork
« on: May 15, 2017, 06:48:51 PM »
This is random I know, but here's some of the STAR emulations I worked on over the past year.

WeatherSTAR XL v1 (Jun. 2016)
Song: "5-5-7" by Pat Metheny Group
! No longer available

WeatherSTAR XL v2 (Jul. 2016)
Song: "Lady Labrynith" by Phil Davis
! No longer available

IntelliSTAR v1 (Jul. 2016)
Song: "Park Place" by Samuel Lincoln
! No longer available

WeatherSTAR4000 (Nov. 2016)
Song: "Jook Joint" by Ralph Diekemper
! No longer available

WeatherSTAR3000 (Jan. 2017)
Song: "Machu Picchu" by Chuck Mangione
! No longer available

General Discussion / Re: Post your favorite YouTube videos
« on: May 14, 2017, 01:28:35 AM »
The best musical track from this game. If Nintendo doesn't know how to do anything else, they know how to make incredibly great musical scores in their games. :happy:
! No longer available

General Discussion / Re: This forum seems to be very quiet anymore.
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:57:03 AM »
I still log in every day or every other day, I just don't post. Outside of the video game thread and some of the other non-TWC threads, I don't feel like there is anything I can contribute to the conversations here. I mentioned this before, but since I don't have cable anymore I haven't seen TWC on TV since November 2014. I can only imagine the channel has evolved quite a lot since then. I didn't remember until a few days ago that this year was TWC's 35th anniversary, did they acknowledge it? They basically ignored their 30th.The main thing that kept me active for the past 2.5 years was sharing STAR emulations/artwork because I loved/enjoyed doing them, it was never a chore for me. However, even that has taken a seat on the back burner these last several months, I think the last one I made was a emulation back in November and the last one I shared here was over a year ago in April 2016! Although to be fair the weather in Atlanta overall has been boring as hell the past couple of years so that in itself has contributed to my lack of making STAR emulations. Most of our vet members explained the reason for the quietness pretty well....life happened lol. You get older, start working, becoming your own independent self, a hobby/interest like TWC gradually fades off. Now the good thing I took away from being a TWC fan was the fact that it got me significantly engaged into weather back during childhood and that's something that is not going to change.

I as well miss the old days here from a decade ago, there were a lot of interesting discussions, I remember how when a lot of us would be excited (including myself) to see what selection of songs would be on the new monthly playlists and whether any of our old favorites would make appearances or what brand new song would become a favorite. I remember when I first started making STAR emulations back in June 2008 and the overwhelming encouragement and support I got from the community of member here even when at times I subconsciously self-doubted my own creativity. I just remember how fun it was to chat with all of you about anything back then.

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: May 06, 2017, 09:39:14 PM »
Haven't done this in a while, but this was some of my video game pickups for the past couple of months.

March/April 2017
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch Console (April 4, 2017)
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Just Dance 2017
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Pre-Ordered Apr 12th, arrived on release day Apr. 28th)

*SIDENOTE: I traded my Wii U console into Amazon within a week of buying the Nintendo Switch from Walmart. I gave most of all of my games, controllers, and accessories to my niece for her Wii U console. At least I know they will continue to be in good hands. To say she was ecstatic about getting this stuff is a major understatement.  :happy:

Playstation 4
Uncharted 4 (Man I love this franchise!)
Mafia III

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: April 14, 2017, 06:51:09 PM »
Nintendo Switch is apparently off to a VERY STRONG start, Sold 2.4 million worldwide in it's launch month of March (906,000 in the US alone). This makes it the fastest selling Nintendo console in Nintendo history. The success is partially contributed to Zelda Breath of the Wild which has a 100% attachment rate.


Severe Weather / Re: Severe Weather 2014
« on: April 09, 2017, 04:41:58 PM »
Wow, it looks just like today too!

That's because it is. The link to those maps I posted 3 years ago auto update. lol

General Discussion / Re: High Speed Internet Question
« on: April 02, 2017, 07:38:14 AM »
I have 74mbs and it LAGS like crazy, but then I am in a small town.
I would still suggest it though.

I already did about a couple of weeks ago. This was my first speed test results, I love it so far. :happy:


What a wild day and a hellish commute for drivers who rely on I-85 to get to and from work. All of the local news stations here in Atlanta are covering this non-stop. I-85 could be closed here for weeks if not months which would have a major ripple effect across the Southeast region. It couldn't come at a worse time since were in Spring Break season for a lot of kids/families.

This was the fire at it's peak... (Picture provided from WAGA-TV/FOX 5 Atlanta)

Part of the 1-85 bridge that has collasped from the fire. (Picture provided from WSB-TV)

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: March 28, 2017, 09:40:43 PM »
I for one still happen to like the ability to easily carry a 3DS in my pocket.  A Switch, by comparison, is somewhat less portable.  For that reason, even if I did get one it would mostly stay docked.  I never even got a Wii U, and it sounds like I was well served not to do so since I'm noticing a lot of people saying it is (and was) boring.  I still play the original Wii.

The sad irony is the Wii U had a great library of games, it's unfortunate more people didn't give it a chance. Who could blame anyone though, seems like everyone thought it was the Wii with a tablet add on and Nintendo didn't do it any favors either. If I didn't know any better I would have thought the Wii U was a non-Nintendo product because they did everything they possibly could to ignore this thing for 5 years. The console itself was just executed poorly. It's pretty obvious (at least to me) the Switch is what the Wii U was supposed to be. Agreed, when I get a Switch it will stay docked probably 95% of the time. I think I would get too paranoid about losing/misplacing it if I take it on the go outside of the house.

Local Forecast / Re: TWC Songs you've heard in other places
« on: March 26, 2017, 01:28:59 PM »
Does anyone else here Trammell Starks in this song?


It sounds like the beginning of Midnight Cruise looped over and over again at a lower speed and pitch.

It does a little bit.

General Discussion / Re: What's Your Speedtest and Pingtest results?
« on: March 22, 2017, 10:10:13 PM »
Wow, just WOW!I'm getting fast download speeds than what I'm paying for! :thrilled: I decided to go with 100mbps with Xfinity. You guys just don't know the hell DSL has put me through over the years, now that I've made the move to crap... (uh, I mean Comcast), life is good again. :happy: :dance:

My Playstation4 Speeds (Wired LAN Connection)
Download: 107.7 Mbps
Upload: 11.8 Mbps

General Discussion / Re: Playstation/Wii -Video Games
« on: March 07, 2017, 07:16:43 PM »
Its funny I just put it in a box and placed it int he closet, closing this chapter, now only the Switch and Gamecube are still on my TV stand.

I'm not sure what I'll do with my Wii U, I initially thought about trading it in, but I may give it to my niece along with the games to have as a backup Wii U since she already has one. I don't play with my Wii U much nowadays like I used to.

I'll say this, I prefer the Switch in handheld mode waaayyy more compared to tv mode. Forget what you read, the kickstand is great, and i frankly believe people are being far far too rough with their Switches.

Handheld mode (and tabletop for that matter) seems like it would be a lot of fun, but I've always been more of home console gaming kind of guy so I would imagine my Switch would be docked 90% of the time. I think I would be a bit leery about taking a $300 handheld/console hybrid device outside of the house. :P

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