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Messages - Tech_Guy

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / Favorite Comic Strip
« on: July 07, 2007, 03:03:55 PM »
When I was a kid, I loved Jim Davis' Garfield. Now, I much prefer Lynn Johnston's For Better or For Worse... that comic just seems refreshingly mature.

What is your favorite comic strip?

Local Forecast / Re: Trammell Starks' Unavailable songs
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:20:07 AM »
If Gettin' Around was used on the LOT8s, would TWC still have a copy of the full version? If so, they should definitely play it somewhere like WeatherScan or let Trammell have a copy since he lost the original.

Oops. Looking up a couple posts I see Matt's name was used. I always use TWC's names for Trammell's music. TWC's Gettin' Around is Matt's After the Rain. I am glad I caught that.

General Discussion / Re: How many computers do you have?
« on: July 05, 2007, 12:02:32 AM »
I was a Computer Science major/Mathematics minor in college. My track was mostly programming so most of the basic stuff I had to learn on my own.

What made my "server" so expensive was lack of sense on my part. I decided I wanted a Pentium 4. Well, the Pentium 4 was relatively new back then; in fact, Pentium 4 motherboards only had RDRAM. Additionally, I bought everything retail. Now I know better and use sites like newegg.com.

While my server has definitely been the best computer I ever had, upgrading to Vista might be painful since I need to add more memory and RDRAM still is not cheap. I currently sit at 512MB which is enough for Windows 2000, but maybe not for Windows Vista. Every other component seemed to go down in price. I could just scrap using the P4 as the server, but I paid enough for it, I am going to make it useful for many, many years.

I will have to take a gander on pricewatch for computer components.

General Discussion / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: July 04, 2007, 09:54:36 PM »
So far,

When Summer Comes - George Howard
Bathtub Serenade - David Reinstein
Bleu Cheese - Fattburger
Callie - Joyce Cooling
Spellbound - Joe Sample

Programming and Graphics / Re: TWC new icons, to like or not to like
« on: July 04, 2007, 06:59:15 PM »
I like them both, but often times I find some of the new icons hard to differentiate (like snow and rain). Plus on the IntelliStar, they seem to be too high on the black bar.

I get the best of both worlds since the XL still has the old icons. Although the storm cloud icon looks like an evil Smurf hat...

General Discussion / Re: How many computers do you have?
« on: July 04, 2007, 03:58:22 PM »
I have three.

One is Pentium 4 I built myself in 2001 ($$$$$$... boy was I young and stupid back then  :lol:). I use it as my "server" computer. It runs MS Windows 2000 Pro, but I am looking to upgrade it to Windows Vista Ultimate in January. Though, I might push that back since RDRAM is still expensive.

I have an HP laptop that I use as my main computer. In fact, all of my computer use is done on my laptop in bed. (Hey, it is COMFY surfing the net in bed!) It runs MS Windows XP Professional.

I have a third computer. It is a desktop that will be a Celeron. It has an AMD K-6 motherboard in it, but it is starting to go. I have a spare Celeron/PIII motherboard and processor that I will put in it. I am actually going put it to use as a "WeatherScan." I will use the Task Scheduler in Windows to have it automatically run Taiganet's WeatherStar 4000 emulator. What I want to do is install the 4000 emulator twice. One copy of the emulator using the city that TWC uses for my local forecast and another copy for a town south of me. Depending on time of day, I can program the Task Scheduler to change my forecast city. I then will use a video card with S-Video output and connect it to an auxilary input so the emulator will show on my TV. So my "AUX" channel will be a mock WeatherScan featuring the 4000 emulator. I will set the emulator to have a long local forecast (like 3-5 minutes). I have a spare Windows XP Pro license for this machine, so that is what it will run. (Now the decision is whether or not I want to make it "broadcast" on every TV in the house.) I will also utilize this computer for extra network storage.

I had a fourth computer, an Emachines Etower, but the motherboard died so I parted it out. It lasted 7 years, so I cannot complain for a supposedly cheap computer.

Contributions / Re: Eric's Intellistar vids
« on: July 04, 2007, 03:29:37 PM »
Ususally, if I contribute something to this site, it is from my YouTube collection. Then people would see that they were blatantly stolen (if they care). I don't really post my URLs in public forums if I don't have to.

I did that once on TWCClassics and somehow one of my XL videos wound up on YouTube before I set up an account there.

My observation is: people are not made to be moral in today's society; it is as if morals are discouraged (that is another discussion for another forum in another area of cyberspace).

I think LOT8 theft happens to a lot of contributers; it is one of those things that just happens and it is a shame that it does.  :-\

That kinda brings up another thing:

Gary, my contributed videos are also on YouTube. Do you mind if I put a thing in my descriptions that goes "Donated to TWCToday." If you do, then I won't put anything in the descriptions (mentioning a TWC site on YouTube has potential to bring in "riff raff" now that I think about it). I mention that because I wonder if people will see my videos here and on YouTube and report me on YouTube for stealing videos I made.  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Favorite TV stations
« on: July 03, 2007, 11:48:00 PM »
Food Network
The Weather Channel
The Discovery Channel

General Discussion / Re: What have you eaten today?
« on: July 03, 2007, 11:38:24 PM »
Breakfast: Nature Valley Granola Bar, Fuze
Lunch: Nature Valley Granola Bar, KFP Pepsi
Supper: Steak, Stuffed Shells, KFP Pepsi

And in case you might go  :huh:, KFP (Kosher For Passover) Pepsi is Pepsi sweetened with Sugar as opposed to High Fructose Corn Syrup. It, along with Coca-Cola, is produced in the month leading to Passover. I also have KFP Coca-Cola and it is excellent without corn syrup (and I am a bit biased since I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but will drink both).

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: July 01, 2007, 11:40:29 PM »
Here is something that might warrant a serious beating...

It would be "different" if TWC showed Saturday night movies about the weather (either directly or indirectly). For example: "Twister," "The Perfect Storm," "Alive," "Waterworld," etc.

I am not saying it would be good or bad... just different. (Actually, with the amount of pre-recorded programs TWC airs already, I am surprised that they have not done this.)

General Discussion / Video Games you grew up on
« on: July 01, 2007, 11:34:18 PM »
So what kind of then state-of-the-art gaming system did you grow up on? What was your favorite game on the system?

Being born in 1980, I grew up on the Atari 2600 and played such classics like Space Invaders, Pong, Asteroids, Ms Pac Man, Joust, and Galaxian. My favorite game for the Atari 2600 system was Astroblast, which was produced by Atari's competitor, Mattel Electronics (pioneers of the first ever 16-bit system known as the Intellivision).

Sure, there are glamorous games available on consoles and the computer today, but I still find myself going back to the old Atari for some simple old fashioned fun.

Local Forecast / Re: Favorite Trammell Starks Songs
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:41:43 PM »
I was looking through the TWC playlists on TWCClassics when I was doing song matching. By process of elimination, I got that "I Can Hear The Ocean" (Matt's) = "Summer Breeze" (TWC's).

General Discussion / Re: The Front Porch
« on: June 27, 2007, 11:41:19 PM »

Get your kicks on Route 666.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Whose Your Favorite OCM?
« on: June 27, 2007, 10:10:54 PM »
My favorite is Dave Schwartz.

I still watch TWC; but I liked TWC the best 1997 - 2000.

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