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Topics - TWCWyatt

Pages: [1]
TWC Fan Art / TWCWyatt's Work
« on: June 01, 2019, 08:29:37 PM »
I honestly doubt anyone even visits this site anymore, but here goes...

I was planning on forking & fixing up the Weatherscan HTML5 emulator, as well as editing the appearance to look more like the V1 Intellistar version instead of the V2 Intellistar version (I never really liked the LDL features everywhere-- I felt they crowded up the screen too much). However, I never really got to it (blame my procrastination & checking social media every 5 minutes for that).

These are mockups for said planned fixup. They are presented in the original 720x480 resolution used for the Intellistar. Some elements may appear stretched.

Weatherscan Intellistar V1 Current Conditions (normal screen):

Weatherscan Intellistar V1 Current Conditions (severe weather mode):

Made in Affinity Photo.

I recently found a DVD-R I forgot I recorded in approx. April - May of 2013 that was chock full of these WeatherStar 4000 recordings. These aren't from the tape transfers I had made of my wx4000 tapes, either (I'll get to those sometime later). The city listed on the wx4000 forecasts was Manhattan, yet I also lived in Wamego during this time. I would later move to St. George and switch to the cable company that (I assume) was the originator of the operation of the wx4000 for a few more months before moving to Topeka. This cable company would soon be going out of business and its market share dominated by Cox Communications because of an FCC complaint regarding their nonexistent setup of their Emergency Alert Systems.

Now that we have the backstory out of the way, should I be worried about Content ID and worldwide blockage of my videos? Some of the songs contained are fairly famous and are owned by big music companies.

Edit: Also, sorry if this topic doesn't really belong here. I haven't been here in a long while!

Last time I uploaded a few of these Local Weather Now segments, I didn't think I'd get caught like TWCJim did. Sure enough, my videos got blocked worldwide by WeatherNation themselves. This happened approx. 2 years ago.

Are they still hunting down people for uploading those Local Weather Now segments? TWC doesn't really do Local on the 8s unless it's something like WeatherCenter, and even then, it's not guaranteed it'll always happen.

General Discussion / Muzak on TWC?
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:25:09 PM »
I've been wondering if TWC will ever use Muzak music on their channel, or at least Mood Media music.
What do you think about Muzak?

General Discussion / Well, I DEFINITELY learned my lesson today...
« on: April 02, 2016, 01:01:57 AM »
...never upload WeatherNation local forecasts to the Web. EVER.

General Discussion / Is WeatherNation content allowed here?
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:04:29 PM »
I don't have cable anymore and the next best thing for me is WeatherNation. I was wondering if I could post the videos I recorded of the Local Forecast segment here.

Weatherscan Discussion / Hey, all. I'm back!
« on: December 19, 2013, 01:56:43 PM »
I just got Weatherscan for my cable box, so excited ot post videos here! (cable company is COX)

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