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Messages - anolel4

Pages: [1]
News and Updates / Re: Public Release Now Available (April 2020)
« on: October 06, 2020, 09:22:23 PM »
Hi Folks,
I wanted to bring to your attention that I have created a new build of the Emulator. This is to correct a few data source issues, and also replace the "Regional Satellite" product with pre-configured projection views.

If you are a current emulator user:
  • Backup any custom music/backgrounds/logos that you work with. Then uninstall the emulator from your system. (Please do not do an in-place re-installation on top of the existing install.)
  • Under the 'Local Forecast' package, configure the 'Regional Satellite' view of choice, then 'Build' your config.
  • Proceed to download and install the new version of the Emulator. Do not forget to configure your ID, and replace any custom music/backgrounds/logos.

For new users, this is a repeat:
If you have never worked with program in the past, there are two halves.
1. CINE (The Configuration Interface for Networked Emulation) - This is the heart of where you control your emulator's experience. All settings and options are managed through this web-portal. Any changes made in the portal will propagate to the Emulator as it is running. You have the ability to "cue" all changes, then when you are ready, select 'Build Now' in CINE.
2. The Weatherscan XL Emulator application, itself. This is the client-end application which, when configured with your selected ID, will download, present, and update forecast and other regional details around the clock while it is running.

When you get started building your first config to work with the emulator, we suggest simply starting off with the 'Local Forecast' package. This is just to make sure all works correctly on your system. Once you have a working Local Forecast loop, you're welcome to add in other products.

Please be sure to make sure all options are configured, so you can "Build Now" all of your settings!! --Very important!!

So you would like some help?
It's quite alright, we have a live chat with humans just like you, and they are anxious to get you emulating too. We do this via the Discord Chat system. Join via this link from your computer or mobile app: https://discord.gg/EbM3Vfs

So, you think you're ready now?
Let's get started! Go visit CINE, create and validate your account information. Once you have completed this, then get building. Here's the link: http://wxcine.com:21863

Once again, we're happy to have you and we're excited your taking this opportunity to enjoy an emulator, which is a signature experience from not only mine, but other "The Weather Channel" viewers past.

How do we sign up for CINE? There is no register button.

I saw that too. I really want to sign up as well. I would be willing to pay for it if it's the only way that I could sign up. I just got interested in emulating and using intellistar, and I want to make videos just for myself like other people on this site do. The people I have asked on youtube have refused to give me any information on this. I don't understand because if they don't explain it, how will I be able to emulate intellistar? It's obvious that there are people who want to sign up. I hope that someone helps us with this!

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