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Messages - Ice Man

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Local Forecast / My new wall decoration
« on: March 31, 2017, 08:29:59 PM »

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: March 26, 2017, 05:52:54 PM »
My interest in TWC after the buyout dwindled rather quickly after one of the anchors spent 5 minutes of airtime reading Twitter comments about how hot she was.

Everything Else Classic TWC / Re: Found some footage from July 1989
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:26:18 PM »
Two playlists containing multiple TWC segments are now up. Plenty more to come in the following weeks and months.


Everything Else Classic TWC / Re: Found some footage from July 1989
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:18:10 PM »
Any particular reason for wanting the shorter ones? I've personally always been a little OCD at having long uninterrupted footage.

Everything Else Classic TWC / Re: Found some footage from July 1989
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:58:47 PM »
It's coming. I've been keeping my bandwidth free of uploads because I've been trying to archive GIBBS before they take it down. Not to mention I had to build a new capture machine after trying with no success to find a reliable analog capture device that works & plays well with Win10.

Back to WinXP, on a computer frankensteined together from a whole slew of ancient parts.

I'm also attempting the impossible: and might be able to upload my full 6-hour tapes.

General Weather Chat / "Stellaaaaaaaaaaaa!" - Jim Cantore
« on: March 13, 2017, 08:22:37 AM »
I know it's not going to reach that level of insanity, but I can't help but feel a lot of nostalgia. Biggest northeast snowstorm of the season coming on March 13. Anniversary date of Superstorm 93.

Alrighty, well my calls were never returned and all my searches came up dry. The more I look though, the more I'm convinced the I at least know the right week. Trouble is, that week was INSANE. Severe storms were being fired at the Northeast as if from a tommy gun.

The month was July, and my best guess was the 8th, based on the earliest TWC recordings I could find.

First I found this recording of an old weather broadcast, which features a strong front that passed through the area on the night of the 5th and dumped record rainfall.
! No longer available

And now I found amateur footage of a thunderstorm that hit NYC on the night of the 7th.
! No longer available

And finally, in the comments beneath that footage, a Northeast tornado outbreak on the 10th is mentioned that also caused some ruckus in the Manhattan area (though that date comes later than my oldest recording).

That's the best I've got. Looking at observations from those dates can't clarify this any further since nobody ever bothered to take note of lightning intensity.

Took a few years to find a reliable VHS player and capture device, but footage is finally being uploaded.

This will encompass all sorts of things I have recorded (accidentally and intentionally) on video but the main focus will be TWC. I try to provide a full hour broadcast from each date if available.


Good info, thanks for the tips. Hopefully will be uploading stuff soon.

Well, it's been quite a while and took me a lot longer than I thought to finally start this project. Archiving has finally begun. I've got a nice Panasonic AG-1980 SVHS recorder, an external line-TBC, and a pretty solid capture device. Most of the tapes are playing fine at least.

But now I'm stumped as to how to determine the year of a recording. Official post is in the link, but I thought I'd best mention it here too.


I have finally begin the task of digitally-capturing a whole slew of old VHS tapes I had of TWC. Many hours, a few from major storm events but the rest, completely random. Most of the recordings are from the 90's and cover at least a 1-hour block. I can get the month/day/time from the LF obviously. But what about the year? TWC didn't always post copyright info along with their logo, and even then, I'm not sure if they kept the year up-to-date or just posted the year in which it was copyrighted. Are there any good tricks for this? Or should I just be looking to match "current conditions" with historical weather data? It would be even easier if I could compare surface radar images to what's being shown on my tapes, but AFAIK, such historical images aren't available anywhere.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: February 02, 2014, 09:51:32 PM »
Sadly, the truth of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is, the townsfolk will come running every single day if the crier is a news reporter.

Pretty certain it was June or July, (based on my earliest tapings of TWC that were jumpstarted by this). Sorry I don't have more to go on than that. When I get a chance, I'll have to make some phone calls and see if I can narrow this down further. There are many many MANY reports of heavy rainfall in NYC from that Summer.

At least, I think that's when it was. From all the checking I've done, it seems to point to that.

In (what I believe was) that year, there was an incredible severe thunderstorm that rolled through the tri-state area overnight. Cloud to ground lightning every couple of seconds, power across the county was knocked out, high winds, rain, you get the idea. Major thunderstorm storm the likes I have never seen in my hometown before or since.

This storm event was what got me really interested in weather, and also got me into watching TWC. The next day following this storm, it turned out that it had gotten TWC's attention as well. The storm had moved on into NYC, and they had about 45 seconds of lightning footage from it, which they were running every hour.

Does this sound at all familiar to anyone, and if so, any chance someone has a recording of it?

General Weather Chat / Re: Nor'easter jetstream vs. clipper?
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:48:23 AM »
Ah, that's it, the presence of the Pacific and/or Subtropical jet. Now that you mentioned that, I can vaguely remember the maps often showing two jet streams any time a Nor'easter was coming. Thanks for the refresher course.  :happy:

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