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Topics - RSully94

Pages: [1]
Everything Else TWC / So much for less longform this year
« on: December 03, 2016, 10:41:30 AM »
Didn't they say around this time last year that they would cut down on all the longform and return to broadcast programming? Well, 2016 is almost finished, and for the most part, they still end weather broadcasting at 8 PM Eastern on weekdays and 12 PM Eastern on weekends. And if you're a West Coast viewer like myself, then that means it ends at 5 PM Pacific and 9 AM Pacific.

Seems like we were completely lied to. I know some people on here were hoping for the best, but it looks like they are still slowly burning off their reality shows. Why the hell would you produce so much garbage if you were going to tell viewers that you would stop reality television programming?

Everything Else TWC / Footage of TWC covering Hurricane Isabel
« on: September 19, 2016, 01:38:03 AM »
It's been 13 years since this storm made landfall. It was the first major US landfall that I witnessed on TV back then. I thought it would nice to share it. Coverage starts on September 8th. It's mainly EEWC footage with Sharon, Warren, Sandra Diaz, Ray Stagich, the late Dave Schwartz, and etc. while Isabel is over the ocean.

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