June 04, 2024, 10:19:19 AM

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Topics - iCDesign

Pages: [1]
I found this set of gems on TWC's servers while looking for more icons to animate in AE:


After "wxicon" I wrote "X". Replace "X" with a number from 10 to 47.

("http://s.imwx.com/img/wxicon/31.png" for example shows clear skies, or the moon.)

Hit enter and you should see the icons that were used on the site just before the WATT redesign! Enjoy, and please use responsibly. I don't know if anyone has found these yet, but if they haven't here they are for your viewing pleasure.  :happy:

Someone said I should start posting on here, so here is my latest emulation for everybody! Apparently, mine are the best that some have ever seen! Enjoy!

I don't know how to do YouTube videos on here so here's a link. Sorry!


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