June 07, 2024, 01:50:46 AM

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Topics - cyclops

Pages: [1]
I'm writing this at a time when I am calm, not cussing TWC for running some "Redneck Reality" show when I'm trying to see the radar to know if MORE hail and strong winds are headed this way. And yes, I am a Redneck by heritage.

This has probably been hashed over before, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents.  :censored:

"Truth in advertising" does not appear to apply here - what we have is "The Weathertainment Channel".
We seem to be allowed to get the wider weather view at THEIR convenience, not ours. Never mind that there's a severe storm crawl along the bottom of the screen, we're supposed to watch some guys who lost their razors in the 1980s, and still can't find their way out of the mountains. I'm trying to decide whether or not to bring in the outdoor furniture, and they're looking for fool's gold. Oh well

Is the weather company saving money on salaries perhaps, by feeding us canned programs instead of live talent? I often wonder

Color me not impressed.

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