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Topics - alex979

Pages: [1]
The Weather Channel is doing a 2-week test run on a show that seems to only be airing in the tri-state metro area. Apparently it's on 4-10pm in place of WUTV and WCL. Paul Goodloe is hosting...
Anyone in the area check it out?

OCMs & Personalities / New OCM: Liana Brackett
« on: November 03, 2016, 07:39:02 PM »
The Weather Channel has picked up a new full time meteorologist. Liana Brackett joins the Portland, Oregon Fox affiliate, and had previously worked at the National Weather Service there. Haven't see her on air yet, but she is the first full time hire in a while.

Programming and Graphics / 23.5 Degrees with Sam Champion
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:49:35 PM »
Sam Champion's new evening show now has a name: 23.5 Degrees. It's a reference to the angle of the tilt of the Earth. The show will debut in Feburary, but a timeslot is not yet known. It will be shot in both NYC and Atlanta, featuring multiple interviews that are each 10-15 minutes long. Also mentioned in the article: more on his week back at GMA, and some more about AMHQ.

OCMs & Personalities / Kait Parker Leaving TWC
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:20:44 PM »
Kait Parker has announced that this is her final weekend with The Weather Channel.

She's engaged to TWC hurricane expert Michael Lowry, and it doesn't seem like he's leaving the network. It kind of sounds like she's moving on to something different, possibly outside of TV. Best of luck to her.

I wonder who will replace her on AMHQ weekend. I'm really hoping they hire Kelly Cass back full-time... Honestly, for the past several months, it seems like she has been on that show filling in for either Reynolds or Kait almost every week.

OCMs & Personalities / New OCM: Allison Chinchar
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:57:44 AM »
Looks like TWC has picked up another OCM: Allison Chinchar. She's hosting the morning WCL with Chris Warren today. I believe she has worked at WXIA, and some freelancing at CNN. I assuming she's just a freelancer at TWC too. She's also the wife of Mike Bettes, I believe.

Programming and Graphics / TWC Updates Graphics
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:39:12 AM »
TWC rolled out some new graphics this morning: updated bugs and lower thirds.

IMO it looks a little sloppily done, but the font is way better, and it's nice that they can fit more information into the lower thirds.

WeatherSTAR Tech Support / Elmhurst, IL Intellistar Broken
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:58:07 PM »
For at least the past couple of hours, there have been major problems with the Comcast intellistar based in Elmhurst, IL (60126). I don't know the ID number. The video is almost always garbled during the LOT8s and regular programming, and it frequently freezes. The blank green screen has also been showing up a lot. Now, it appears the intellistar is off since the LDL is showing national info, but the freezing problems persist.

TWC and your Cable Company / XFINITY Now Streaming TWC Live Online
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:56:50 PM »
I don't know how long this has been going on, but I just noticed today that Comcast Xfinity is streaming the Weather Channel live online for its customers. I think this a pretty recent update because I often use the Xfinity "TV Go" app on my phone. It already streams many other news networks (CNN, Fox News, ESPN, etc.) If you have Comcast, this link will take you to the networks, and TWC is the top one.

From what I've seen, the LOT8's and LDL show the generic national information.

OCMs & Personalities / New OCM: Bonnie Schneider
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:51:32 PM »
Another former CNN meteorologist has joined TWC. Bonnie Schneider made her debut on Friday with Dave Schwartz and is also anchoring severe weather coverage today with Reynolds Wolf.

Programming and Graphics / New Show: "WXGeeks"
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:44:52 PM »
Just saw this on Twitter. The Weather Channel is debuting a new talk show, called "WXGeeks", this Sunday at noon eastern. It's being called "a show produced by meteorologists, for Weather Geeks."

It looks like the first show will feature Chris Warren, Dr. Marshall Shepherd, and Dr. Chuck Doswell.

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