June 04, 2024, 07:26:22 AM

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Messages - nsstig8r

Pages: [1]
News and Updates / Re: Public Release Now Available (April 2020)
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:22:22 PM »
cc17926, I want to set up a version of your simulator for a Livestream for my local area, like you've done for Mount Holly, NJ. I'm not able to create a WXCINE account as you've closed registration. I'm familiar with another WS4000 simulator, but yours is way smoother looking and has way more flavors and segments. Please PM me with what I can/need to do to create a WXCINE account and get access to use your simulator so I can set up my variant for my local area. I have no problem with giving credit to you for the simulator. Thank you so much!!!

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