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Messages - alex979

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Really not surprising at all. It's been pretty obvious for several months now that Sam was on his way out... It seems like Sam and TWC management mutually decided to part ways - I think everyone realizes that things just didn't work out as planned.

The Weather Channel is doing a 2-week test run on a show that seems to only be airing in the tri-state metro area. Apparently it's on 4-10pm in place of WUTV and WCL. Paul Goodloe is hosting...
Anyone in the area check it out?

OCMs & Personalities / New OCM: Liana Brackett
« on: November 03, 2016, 07:39:02 PM »
The Weather Channel has picked up a new full time meteorologist. Liana Brackett joins the Portland, Oregon Fox affiliate, and had previously worked at the National Weather Service there. Haven't see her on air yet, but she is the first full time hire in a while.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: October 05, 2016, 07:51:32 PM »
TWC is using a new storm alert cut (or at least I haven't heard it before) for Hurricane Matthew. Anyone else hear it?

Programming and Graphics / Re: Graphics update/change
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:04:53 PM »
I don't know, I'd argue that many slight changes/refreshes have already been done. Just look at videos from 2013 when the overhaul first debuted, and look at TWC now. There have been a lot of changes (lower thirds, radar on the screen, terrain on some maps, LOT8s, studio backgrounds, title cards, etc.) and most were for the better.

This could be interesting... Apparently Sinclair is interested in having TWC handle weather forecasts for local stations it owns in small markets. So, if this goes through, it's not TWC people who need to be worried about their jobs, it's the local meteorologists.

Programming and Graphics / Re: Daytime/Weather Center Live Shakeup
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:21:42 PM »
Tomorrow, Mark Elliot and Alex Wallace will start anchoring together 11-3pm ET. I'm guessing Keith will do 9-11am solo?

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Dave Schwartz Battling Cancer
« on: July 30, 2016, 05:56:55 PM »
I will truly miss Dave. He was on air as recently as about a month ago, I believe. So glad TWC brought him back, and he got another few years to do what he did best. Godspeed, "my friend."

Programming and Graphics / Re: Daytime/Weather Center Live Shakeup
« on: April 17, 2016, 10:59:42 PM »
Mark Elliot has been on both days this weekend in the evening. They've been doing live shows during the late afternoon into the evening, and they're similar to the new daytime blocks where there's one OCM by the screen in the main studio. Alexandra Steele, Bonnie Schneider, and Dave Schwartz have also been on.

Weatherscan Discussion / Re: Weatherscan Topic
« on: April 07, 2016, 08:51:26 PM »
I'm putting my money on the missing logo being a glitch.... I'm 99% sure this has happened before.

Everything Else TWC / Re: General TWC Discussion
« on: April 04, 2016, 09:54:40 PM »
Dave Schwartz will apparently be doing 1-3 PM ET solo (according to comments on Alex Wilson's FB), which means I guess he won't be appearing on WUTV anymore. That's a shame, since "Dave's WOW" was one of the best parts of the show. I don't mind the idea of solo OCMs during the day if it means that we could have more live hours into the night, I just wish they would have set it up better. So the new schedule is as follows:
5-9: AMHQ
9-11: Keith
11-1: Alex Wallace
1-3: Dave
3-6: Chris and Jen
6-8: WUTV

Where does Mark Elliot fit in? Maybe eventually later in the evening?

What's even the point of this?

The AP news/sports segments are kind of useless, IMO. Do they expect people to sit and just watch random sound bytes, or simple headlines appearing on the screen? People can get more info in the same amount of time by pulling out their phones. This whole thing seems very sloppily done, and not particularly well thought out. Luckily it doesn't look like they spent too much money on it.

Programming and Graphics / Re: 23.5 Degrees with Sam Champion
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:30:59 PM »
Sam is filling in on GMA again this week....  :thinking:

Programming and Graphics / Re: 23.5 Degrees with Sam Champion
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:09:29 PM »
I just watched Mike's post show live chat on Facebook from earlier, and he said the late rerun is a "limited engagement" for one week only. Apparently it's a trial run. He also said he has no idea when 23.5 with Sam is starting.

Programming and Graphics / Re: 23.5 Degrees with Sam Champion
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:55:49 PM »
This is good news. WUTV is really the best thing they've got going for them right now, and while I'd rather see it be a 3 hour show, a replay of it is better than longform.

But, there will be two hours to fill in between (8-10 ET). 23.5 is once a week, and I'm pretty sure it's just one hour. So, I'm thinking there will be still be some longform, unless they do a live hour of WCL or something.

My concern is them re-playing WUTV at 10pm-12am. I am not sure how that would work as the program does include live radar segments. One thought is they would pull a WUWA, and chop the 6-8pm weather update segments (normally with Alexandra) for a late update by someone (like Nick Walker).

That's exactly what I was thinking. Wilson won't stay around until midnight, so they'll probably have Keith or Nick do some live updates. I'm not crazy about that idea, though... I feel like it might screw up the banter/pacing on the show and make it kind of awkward and disjointed.

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