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Messages - luesjo12

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Contributions / Re: Weather Reporting without Ratings Concerns
« on: May 16, 2022, 01:39:30 PM »
Regarding climate topics on TWC, one cannot forget Heidi Cullen's run on TWC. They had tried incorporating climate issues into their programming pretty early but it did not catch on. Climate change being one of the more talked about issues nowadays, it should come as no surprise that TWC is taking on these topics.

Many things have changed since John Coleman and Frank Batten founded TWC 40 years ago. As much as I (and I am sure many others here agree) do not like or agree with the current strategy, the mere fact that they are still alive and made it to 40 years old just shows that what they are doing now is working pretty well for them.

Programming and Graphics / New show "Pattrn" debuts on TWC today
« on: April 19, 2022, 12:47:38 PM »
The Weather Channel launched a new show today named Pattrn focused on climate and environment news and stories. The show shares a name with the OTT streaming network on the Local Now app/website which covers the same topics. The show is hosted by Stephanie Abrams and Jordan Steele and runs from 12-2 PM Eastern, replacing one hour from WUTV and Storm Center (Weather Center Live's replacement that debuted last year). Definitely a different concept from most of their current programming.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Production Music Identification Thread
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:26:50 PM »
While that may seem like it is the case, I have reason to believe it is not completely true. Somehow National Geographic got ahold of the tracks for use in the documentary that I linked above. This leads me to believe that they are most likely tracks sourced from a production music library.

Everything Else TWC / Re: Production Music Identification Thread
« on: January 08, 2022, 10:18:54 AM »
Hope this fits the theme of this thread, but I have been searching for leads on a few of the Weatherscan tracks added in 2007. Many believed these tracks to be Weatherscan exclusive, but thanks to a member of my Discord server, it has been revealed that two of the Weatherscan tracks have been used in the National Geographic documentary titled Human Footprint. Here's a couple instances where these tracks appear in the documentary:

Weatherscan Track 19 is used at the beginning of this clip:

Weatherscan Track 6 is used twice in this clip at 2:15 and 3:33:

I'm hoping this post will help us ID these tracks, and potentially many more. Any ideas or leads on production libraries to search/ask would be much appreciated.

TWC Fan Art / Re: p0llz's Artwork
« on: July 29, 2021, 10:41:04 PM »

I really hate to be that guy but do you think you could at least credit me or ask me before posting my HD 2019 Rebrand Weatherscan concept in that Ad Break graphic? :p

Local Forecast / Re: YouTube Clips
« on: July 23, 2021, 08:27:37 AM »
Hey Guys,
1st you have to know that I am sincerely honored and grateful that folks have enjoyed my music on The Weather Channel but, please understand Songwriters get paid less than a penny for YouTube streams and I’m not get paid at all.

You see, YouTube AI doesn't recognize my music that's being used in the videos that have been posted over the years as YouTube clips from the Weather Channel broadcasts, because my song title isn't included in that person's video clip title. Most are including my information only as a part of their description underneath the video clip from The Weather Channel (thank you for that) but, they did not include it as a part of the title on YouTube doesn't pick it up.

Actually need a way to ask everyone with my music in their clips to please, please edit their video attributions. Don’t want them to take them down because then I won’t be paid for the number of plays they have accumulated to date.  Just need the titles edited.

Will you please ask any folks whom you may know who have vid clips from The Weather Channel which happen to use my music to PLEASE edit your YouTube titles to include my name and song title too?

Can you think of a way to get this request out to others?

Thank you again for all your support,
~Jeanne Ricks

It’s a pleasure to hear back from you after all these years. You may want to look into contacting YouTube directly about this situation. They have a form available here:

According to public records, Piazza v. Weather Group Television, LLC. was ordered to be dismissed on June 7th, 2021. I guess that would be the end of the lawsuit.

Programming and Graphics / Re: AMHQ Now Extended Until 10e/9c
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:26:23 AM »
Yep, looks like it took over that WCL timeslot. They also rebranded AMHQ to America’s Morning Headquarters and added a rather sloppy logo.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: August 05, 2020, 02:28:08 PM »
Yep, I was under several alerts during Hurricane Hanna. It only shows one page with the three highest priority alerts. Sort of related, but a new little glitch that some have noticed on I2 is that the three alert page shows at the end of the LF now. I don’t believe that was intentional but it is rather strange.

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: August 05, 2020, 01:56:01 PM »
The I2 (and presumably also I1) will only display 3 alerts at most on the LF. It will not show more than whatever fits on that one alert page.
The pre-WATT I1 and I2 did display 2 "ALERTS" screens when needed (the I2 would always fit 3 on one screen, while the I1 would only fit 2 on one screen, unless only one line was needed for one of the alerts). Are you for certain that it won't show a second page for 4 or more alerts?

While it is true that the Pre-WATT LFs did have more than one page for alerts on both I1 and I2, the same cannot be said for the WATT LFs. I’m 100% sure I2 (and I1) only show one page for alerts (sadly).

Local Forecast / Re: General LF Discussion
« on: August 05, 2020, 01:33:14 PM »
The I2 (and presumably also I1) will only display 3 alerts at most on the LF. It will not show more than whatever fits on that one alert page.

The forecast map was removed at 8:48 AM Central. Guess it was accidental.

The move to after radar only affects the Tonight/Overnight forecast map. The Today variant will run at the end of the LF. Same thing is happening here on my I2.

Not sure if accidental or not, but I can definitely explain why the fonts on that map are still in Akko. This product was only shown once on a random I2 in 2015 (which I have attached a screenshot of below). The reason this product is in Akko is most likely because TWC did not intend to update this product to have the new Roboto font and was most likely going to sit unused until it made its way to our I2s yesterday.

General Discussion / Re: Corona Virus
« on: March 27, 2020, 09:28:01 AM »
The Weather Channel, much like other cable networks, has moved its on-camera meteorologists out of the studio and into their own homes. Jacqui Jeras and Felicia Combs have been running the 8am-12pm time slot from their own makeshift studios at home.

This change is definitely surreal.

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