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Messages - Tech_Guy

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Stupid!!!
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:53:32 PM »
I thought it was b/c of air? That if they didn't put a certain amount of air in the bag that the chips would go bad quicker? At least that's what I thought that what they said on Modern Marvels or How Do They Make That.

Settling does have to do with part of it. But some companies do put a shot of Nitrogen gas in the bag to keep the chips fresh and to reduce breakage.

General Discussion / Re: TWC music question
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:31:15 PM »
If you mean like music made specifically for them, one thing I would be tempted to do is email Trammell Starks or FICARA asking them how they got involved with TWC. Always worth a shot.  :)

The Game Room / Re: Guess the Next Poster
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:15:42 PM »
NO! It is me here to annoy you.  ;)


General Discussion / Re: The subject you hated most in school - POLL
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:11:52 PM »
I voted for 'Other'

In High School, it was Speech class (where you learn to do various presentations in front of people); I was always nervous.

In College, it was any class dealing with Java Programming (teachers were not that great) - though I don't think I would mind Java now, it doesn't seem too bad.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Same hairdue
« on: August 11, 2007, 12:33:37 AM »
Hopefully, the hairdos will change in time. Some of them don't even look natural... they look forced. Take for instance, Alexandra Steele.

No offense to Alexandra Steele, but her required hairdo is reminiscent of Smurfette . Hopefully, it will look more natural in time. It does look more natural in her BIO photo on TWC's website.

The Game Room / Re: Say something about yourself
« on: August 11, 2007, 12:15:22 AM »
Hmmm... say something about myself...

I am 26 years old, turning 27 this fall. My musical tastes are... well... I listen to Pop, Hip Hop, Contemporary Jazz (TWC Music), some Rock, Underground Dance, New Age, Disco, 80s, 90s... basically anything except for Country or Metal. I notice the older I get, the softer the music I listen to becomes.

Local Forecast / Re: What STAR where?
« on: August 10, 2007, 11:51:56 PM »
It has been a while since I posted...

My area and best friend's area:
Punxsutawney, PA - WeatherStar XL v3 (no narration) - Comcast Cable*
Indiana, PA - IntelliStar - Comcast Cable*
Blairsville, PA - IntelliStar - Comcast Cable*
Somerset, PA - IntelliStar - ?
Donegal, PA (including Acme) - IntelliStar - Armstrong Cable
Stahlstown, PA - WeatherStar XL v3 (with the limited narration) - Laurel Highlands Total Communications
Altoona, PA - IntelliStar - ?*

My vacation area:
Wildwood, NJ - IntelliStar** - Comcast Cable

I was in Harrisburg for business:
Harrisburg, PA - IntelliStar - Comcast Cable
Harrisburg, PA - WeatherScan IntelliStar - Comcast Cable

*All these were formerly Adelphia
**This IntelliStar might service the coastal towns of Southern NJ from Atlantic City south to Cape May, not sure

EDIT: Forgot I saw the IntelliStar at an Applebees in Altoona. Not sure of the cable company, it used to be Adelphia... but that leaves 2 guesses as to what the cable company is  :)

Punxsutawney, PA

The Weather Channel: 44
WeatherScan: N/A

The Game Room / Re: Word Association
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:45:47 AM »

The Game Room / Re: Which would you prefer?
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:44:37 AM »
FHWA Typeface (IIRC, it is called E-Series Modified)

The Game Room / Re: Which would you prefer?
« on: July 21, 2007, 01:53:25 AM »

Interstate or US Route?

The Game Room / Re: Word Association
« on: July 21, 2007, 01:32:51 AM »
Delaware Bay

I'd love to have a WeatherStar XL! Does anyone know where else a WeatherStar XL, 4000 and/or Jr, is used today? Boy I hate the IS!Just one question, if Comcast had an agreement with TWC to use the IS then why do some areas such as Burlington, VT still have an XL? :-\

The "Weather Capital of the World" (aka Punxsutawney, PA) still has the WeatherStar XL. We are serviced by Comcast, but we were serviced by Adelphia until October 2006. I am not sure who else around here (as in my area) has the WeatherStar XL. I know the town south of me, Indiana, is using the IntelliStar.

I am not expecting to be upgraded to the IntelliStar for quite a while. Adelphia was still using the WeatherStar 3000 until the year 2000 when we got the XL (we never had the WeatherStar 4000).

Of course I say that, then tomorrow I will probably see the IntelliStar.  :P

Nobody in my family seems to mind. In fact, when I go on vacation with my mother, we both tune in to The Weather Channel.

If I ever become a parent, I would HOPE that my child would gain an interest in something like The Weather Channel. Just about all of the other channels sat/cable has to offer are not even fit for kids to watch. At least The Weather Channel is educational to a point. If my son or daughter wants to watch it, I will let them with little complaint. It has to be better than a trash channel like MTV.

OCMs & Personalities / Re: Alexandra Steele
« on: July 07, 2007, 09:25:27 PM »
Yeah, I never had any problems with Alexandra.  :-\

Really, there isn't any OCM that I truly 'hate.'

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