Classics - The Weather Channel from 1982-1999 > Contributions

My contributions

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Was trying to embed 4 VIDs.

A ~3hr VID, 2 ~2hr VIDs and a 1 hour VID.
Reason for posting (trying) here?
These were just copyright CORRECTED and in being mostly over 2 hours in length i thought only true wxch fans would enjoy them.  i left them UNLISTED thus only TWCTODAY members can view them (unless links are shared, why i preferred embedded).  Since i still can't figure how to embed them here or if its allowed i'll post only a 2 hour & ~1 hour VIDs.

WHATs THE UPLOAD LIMIT? ASKING TO SEE IF i COULD i UPLOAD ENTIRE SHIFTS PRESENTATIONS (i.e. morning shifts/afternoon shifts from before 2003... :wave:


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